Philosophy Scholasticism Humanism (Individualism and Secularism) System of theology and philosophy taught in medieval European universities, based on Aristotelian logic and the writings of the early Church Fathers Narrow-minded traditional Italian Humanism Castiglione (wrote The Courtier) Vasari Bruni Mirandola Christian Humanism T. More Erasmus Civic Humanism Machiavelli New Monarchs
Highest Good/Focus Up or Down Salvation Humanism Italian Humanist: virtu Christian Humanist: using education to reform religion Civic Humanist: civic participation and
View of Man Sinfulness of Man Humanism Why? Classical figures Bible (Old Testament) Humans have unlimited potential
Collective or Individual Why? Survival Bible (not exalting man) Why? Humanism
Economy/Urban or Rural Agriculture Urban, commercial (Italian City States)
Education Focus/Rise of Universities Create Scholars Citizens and Education to Improve Life Select upper class Monks Book binding Humanism Civic Humanists: prepare citizens to participate in government Christian Humanists: increased education will make us better Christians Italian Humanists: learning for sake of learning, improving ourselves independent of religion Vernacular, Printing Press
The State Feudalism City –States/Nation-States City-States Italy Nation-States N. Europe
Women Use textbook (especially for context about what was happening with women in Middle Ages) Use primary sources and historiography on Renaissance women Use feedback on thesis Use art
Active or Reflective Reflective Active Monks think and reflect/interpret Bible then tell us what we should think Purpose Education: interpret Scriptures So if not a monk, don’t need an education Do: create art, write books, participate in government, reform religion Purpose Education: ^ and be better Thus, need everyone to be educated
Artistic Style Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance Religion Individualism Classical Everyday scenes (detail!) Biblical Scenes/Religious Figures Humanism: secularism and individualism