Establishment of the EFDB Editorial Board, and future development Riitta Pipatti IPCC NGGIP-TSU
Population of the Database Goals – a recognised library At present: IPCC Defaults; CORINAIR data (to be checked) To be populated with data from researchers/scientists/experts, research programmes, industry, national databases, … Open to any proposals – the Editorial Board will assess the data for entry to the database using well-defined criteria
Editorial Board A technical body that will assess the input to the database Two Board Co-chairs; two Editorial Co- ordinators for the Sectors: Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, LUCF, Waste; three to five additional experts for each sectors
Management of the EFDB TFB TSU Steering Group Editorial Board Board Co-chairs (2) Energy Editorial Co-ordinators (2) Sector Experts (3-5) Industrial Processes Editorial Co-ordinators (2) Sector Experts (3-5) Agriculture Editorial Co-ordinators (2) Sector Experts (3-5) LUCF Editorial Co-ordinators (2) Sector Experts (3-5) Waste Editorial Co-ordinators (2) Sector Experts (3-5) EFDB Database + Web-server Technical maintenance Data management Supervise Data assessment Support Advice
Time schedule for assessment of the inputs
Editorial Board Selection by TFB late November Nomination letter sent out 18 September – due date for nominations 30 October Will start working in 2003 Work mainly by ; annual meetings to ensure consistency in the use of the decision criteria (First meeting Jan. 2003) Steering Group – development of the database
Future Accessible for the public from 26 October onwards (CD version will be distributed at SBSTA18) Further population of database will take time– proposals will be accepted from this date - entry to the database only after the establishment of the Editorial Board Population and updates of the database – continuously (to facilitate the population) – periodically (2 – 4 times per year - timing under consideration) All new inputs and revisions of old data will be announced on the main page of the EFDB
Future Success – depending on input from the global scientific and inventory society Continuous improvement on the functionality and content – experiences and feedback important