Tale of Two Babylons Part I Revelation 17
The “Great Prostitute” The worship of false gods is “Spiritual Adultery” Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven “Babylon” will be the “State Religion”
The Woman and the Beast The “Prostitute” and the “Beast” will form an Alliance The True Church is a Virgin Bride – The False Church is a Prostitute She is Drunk with the blood of the Saints
The Mystery Explained The beast “which was” is the former Roman Empire The beast that “now is not” is the current fragmented Roman Empire The beast “from the Abyss” is the Revised Roman Empire
The Mystery Explained The Revised Empire and the Anti-Christ will be destroyed Religious Babylon will be centered in Rome
The 7 Kings/Kingdoms 5 “have fallen”: Julius Caesar, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero The one “who is”: Domitian One has “not yet come”: The Revised Roman Empire
The 8th King The 8th King is the Anti-Christ He will rule over the “7th Kingdom” He and his kingdom will be destroyed
The 10 Horns The Leaders of the Revised Roman Empire They will give their authority to the Anti-Christ They will be destroyed by the “Lamb”
The Beast breaks his Covenant The Anti-Christ declares himself God He will annihilate Religious Babylon God will accomplish His purpose Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done