Period Year in College Susan Smith & Karen Ruehlman 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Year in College - Before A student reported Year in College on RNANAxx - a sophomore level loan is created 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Year in College - Now A Banner reported Year in College on ROASTAT - the correct freshman level loan is created 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Algorithmic Rule Validation RTVALGO – establish Rule Code Name 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Default Year in College ROAINST – Defaults Tab Identify Period Rule Code Rule is executed when ISIR is created Results appear on Period Status Tab of ROASTAT 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
General Algorithmic Rules RORALGO – create the Algorithmic Rules 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Banner Year in College Key 1 = 1st yr/no college 2 = 1st yr/some college 3 = 2nd yr/sophomore 4 = 3rd yr/junior 5 = 4th yr/senior 6 = 5th yr/oth undergrad 7 = 1st yr grad/prof 8 = 2nd yr grad/prof 9 = 3rd yr grad/prof 0 = Beyond 3rd yr grad 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
RORALGO SQL Statement Examples Sequence 1: Freshman select ‘2’ from shrlgpa join rovst17 on rovst17_pidm = shrlgpa_pidm and (rovst17_degc_code_1 like ‘A%’ or rovst17_degc_code_2 like ‘B%’) where shrlgpa_pidm =:PIDM and shrlgpa_gpa_type_ind = ‘O’ and shrlgpa_hours_earned < 30 and shrlgpa_levl_code = ‘US’ 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
RORALGO SQL Statement Examples Sequence 2: Sophomore select ‘3’ from shrlgpa join rovst17 on rovst17_pidm = shrlgpa_pidm and (rovst17_degc_code_1 like ‘A%’ or rovst17_degc_code_2 like ‘B%’) where shrlgpa_pidm =:PIDM and shrlgpa_gpa_type_ind = ‘O’ and shrlgpa_hours_earned >= 30 and shrlgpa_hours_earned < 60 and shrlgpa_levl_code = ‘US’ 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
RORALGO SQL Statement Examples Sequence: Graduate select ‘7’ from rovst17 where rovst17_pidm =:PIDM and (rovst17_degc_code_1 like ‘M%’ or rovst17_degc_code_1 like ‘E%’ or rovst17_degc_code_1 like ‘D%’) and rovst17_levl_code = ‘GS’ 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Direct Loan Processing Loans: Order of determining Year in College ROASTAT – Period Status Record (RORPRST) RNANAxx – Year in College If both Period Year in College and RNANAxx Year in College do not exist, “Class Invalid for Fed Fund ID” error is received. Reference: 8.22.1 Release Guide 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
But, I’ve already loaded 1617 ISIRs! Batch Posting Period Year in College RORALGO – create the Algorithmic Rules Use Batch Posting Process with YICP Batch Posting Type 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Batch Posting Period Year in College RORPOST Submit using RORBPST. The process will use the algorithmic rules to calculate the appropriate Year in College. 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Good Practices – Grade Level Changes Run the Batch Posting process before packaging aid. Run the Batch Posting before packaging summer aid. Run the Batch Posting before the start of fall term and spring term for returning and transfer students to adjust awards. 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference
Questions Karen Ruehlman Kennesaw State University Susan A. Smith University of North Georgia 9/19/2018 2016 GASFAA Conference