Infrastructure Development Cluster WATER ENERGY ICT TRANSPORT
Main Activities The cluster provides input and participate: Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa: PIDA Phase 1 Validation Workshop was conducted on April 18-20, 2011, in Libreville, Gabon Discussed on the sectors: Transport, Energy, ICT, and Trans-boundary Water Resources (TWR) PIDA High Level Technical Team Meeting was held on 7-8 July, 2011 in Tunis, Tunisia review the PIDAs Draft Sector Briefs in order to develop the strategic framework of PIDA
Main Activities Ten Year Capacity Building Programme: meeting of the Joint ECA and NPCA Technical Team was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 23 May 2011 As part of the process of developing a MYP of ECA support to NPCA programme matrix were developed based on the thematic areas of NPCA The cluster also participated in the AU-UN Retreat on the development of a comprehensive work program for the TYCBP which was held on 7-9 September 2011, at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
ENERGY SUB-CLUSTER ACTIVITIES Capacity-building on climate change mitigation for poverty Enhancing and improving access to energy services through development of PPPs in renewable energy High-level workshop on PPPs implementation in the energy sector in Africa Compendium of African best practices in utility regulation towards energy policy harmonisation Enhancing and improving access to energy services through development of PPP in renewable energy Promoting energy efficiency investments for climate change mitigation and sustainable development
ICT SUB-CLUSTER ACTIVITIES AFREF project to set up unified geodetic reference frame for Africa so that maps & other spatial info products can be represented on the same datum Feasibility study on the establishment of the African Space Agency Internet Governance The African Internet Governance Forum (AfIGF) Workshop on Connectivity and Access in Sub-Saharan Africa – Status, Challenges and Opportunities African Ministerial Roundtable on the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) The AU convention on a legal framework on cyber-security ICT and Law Reform Programme to assist governments of the EAC in harmonising their cyber laws E-employment for the Economic Community for Central African States (ECCAS)
TRANSPORT SUB-CLUSTER ACTIVITIES Review of Africas Legal Instruments on Trade and Transport Facilitation to review the texts on trade and transport facilitation; validate the analytical work done by the consultant and to share experiences on the implementation of legal instruments. Expert group meeting on the validation of the report on regional norms for the Trans-African Highways and the draft agreement (19-20 Sep 2011) in collaboration with AUC & Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States ECA is working directly with AUC in the implementation of the Plan of Action adopted by the 1st African Union Transport Ministerial Conference held in Algiers in April 2008
THE WATER SUB-CLUSTER ACTIVITIES Support to AMCOW on organising & servicing African Water Week III (22-26 November 2010) – contributed at the 10th meeting of the TAC of AMCOW UN-Water/Africa serving in the governing body of the African Water Facility, contributed at the AWF Governing Council Extraordinary Meeting Towards Water for All by 2025, Tunis, Tunisia, June 28th 2011; Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem joint project of UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, NEPAD, FAO, GEF, and IMO is on-going. There are three major projects in Southern Africa, Morocco, and the Guinea Current Commission. The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply & Sanitation tasked with monitoring progress towards MDG Target 7c on drinking-water supply & sanitation.
CHALLENGES Communication, human & financial resources still remain a constraint in most sub-clusters – impact is that major planned activities are not going as planned Need for closer collaboration and communication remains an important part particularly in pushing the energy agenda forward in Africa Difficulties in programming and implementing joints activities because of high numbers of activities and the insufficient consultations before fixing the dates Most of the international institutions dealing with transport are not based in Africa