Child Hunger Worldwide
Topic Introduction and Key Concepts Child Hunger: has three meanings; (1) the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food;craving appetite. (2) the want or scarcity of food in a country. (3) a strong desire or craving. Malnutrition: a general term that indicates a lack of some or all nutritional elements necessary for human health. Kwashiorkor: a form of malnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet.
Current Statistics 870 million people do not have enough to eat. More than 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every four hours. 50% of pregnant women in developing countries lack proper maternal care, resulting in over 300,000 maternal deaths annually from childbirth.
Current Statistics 1 out of 6 infants are born with low birth weight in developing countries. In America there were 16.7 million children living in food insecure households in 2011. A third of all childhood deaths in sub-Africa are caused by hunger. Malnutrition is the key factor contributing to more than 1/3 of all global children’s deaths, resulting in 2.6 million deaths per year.
Why Child Hunger is Important Child hunger worldwide is important because each day 25,000 people die of hunger-related causes, and every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger related diseases. With statistics like these it is the job of each and every person to stand up for the rights of children everywhere and become educated and involved, not only in our community but globally, by making it one step closer to putting an end to child hunger.
Study #1: Hunger in our Schools:Teacher’s Report Share Our Strengths No Kid Hungry (2012) Study Goal: The goal behind this research study was to survey teachers in the public school system to gain a grasp of the underline issue of hunger within the walls of the classrooms. Participants in this study: More than 1,000 kindergarten through eight grade public school teachers
Study #1: Hunger in our Schools:Teacher’s Report Share Our Strengths No Kid Hungry (2012) Main Findings: Nearly 1 in 5 U.S children were faced with hunger in 2012 3 out of 5 teachers said there were children in their class that came to school hungry 65% of teachers said that the children who came to school hungry did so because there was not enough food at home 56% of teachers believe that child hunger is growing in America 77% of teachers said that childhood hunger needs to be a national priority
Study #2: Hunger in America: Child Hunger Facts Feeding America (2012) Study Goal: To understand the amount of children hungry in the United States, as well as those participating in food hunger programs. Participants in this Study: Family households in the United States.
Study #2: Hunger in America: Child Hunger Facts Feeding America (2012) Main Findings: 16.7 million children lived in food insecure households in 2011 20% or more of the children population in 36 states lived in food insecure households in 2010 In 2010, the top five states with the highest rate of food insecure children under 18 were the District of Columbia, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida Nearly 14 million children are estimated to be served by Feeding America, over 3 million of which are ages 5 and under 62% of client households with children under the age of 18 reported participating in the National School Lunch Program 54% of client households with children under the age of 3 participated in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children In 2011, 16.1 million children in the U.S. lived in poverty. In 2011, more than 31 million low-income children received free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch Program
World Vision “Building a better world for children” World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide. They have been focusing on children since 1950, and serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.
Who Benefits from World Vision, and What are the Benefits? WHO Benefits- Parents (Adults), Teachers, and Children WHAT are the Benefits- Receiving a “new member of the family” or simply a “warm feeling in your heart”
How can YOU get Involved? Go Online to: Sponsor a Child Donate to “Meet Basic Needs” Get Involved in your Community!
References (Feeding America) (Secure Strengths) (Water) (National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health) (Poverty) (The Hunger Project) (World Hunger) (World Vision)