written communication LESSON AFNR D2-1
Anticipated Problems What are effective writing skills, practice, and strategies? What are the parts of a business letter? How is a professional thank-you letter composed? What is the proper way to compose a business or personal email?
Terms to Know address body business letter complimentary closing electronic mail emoticon enclosure notation ethical writing heading outline plagiarism postscript reference initials salutation signature lines tailoring information
Effective Writing Skills Planning and outline preparation is important in effective written communication. Planning is key in written communication. An outline is needed to arrange the writing objectives.
Effective Writing Skills An outline is a formulaic way to formally arrange and develop ideas. Covers main ideas, or it may be detailed Organizes thoughts Checks to see if the ideas connect Uses a basic structure, with Roman numerals followed by Arabic numerals
Appropriate Communication Appropriate written communication is always ethical. Ethical writing is clear, accurate, fair, honest, and not questionable communication. A reflection of ethical practice Acknowledges the contributions of others and the source of the information
Appropriate Communication Verbatim text taken from another author should be in quotation marks, or it is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of ideas and/or exact words belonging to someone else without clearly acknowledging the author as the information source.
Appropriate Communication When paraphrasing or summarizing information, the writer must have a thorough understanding of the ideas. The meaning of the original author’s ideas should not be altered.
General Rules for Effective Writing Keep it simple. Write from an outline. Keep the reader or audience in mind when writing. Be precise. Be concise. Be informal. Be brief. Omit slang.
General Rules for Effective Writing Avoid clichés. Reduce redundancies. Use simple, short, and familiar words. Avoid exaggerations. Have a strong closing. Make your writing interesting. Edit your material.
Spelling and Grammar Spelling and grammar can interfere with the reader’s understanding of written communication. Understand the basics to avoid confusion and improve written communication
Spelling and Grammar Basics Use capitals appropriately (beginning of sentences, with proper nouns, etc) Use punctuation properly Use the correct verb tense and be consistent Use appropriate vocabulary (simple, clear terminology that can be easily understood) Ensure sentence structure and transitions are logical, and flow.
Parts of a Business Letter A business letter should be planned, organized, and used to inform. A business letter is a written document related to a career or a job. It may ask about a job, send or request information, or have another purpose.
Parts of a Business Letter Planning a business letter involves Having a purpose Preparing an outline Deciding on length and the type of correspondence
Parts of a Business Letter Heading is the mailing address of the sender and the date. Address is the name and address of the receiver. Salutation is the opening into the body of the letter (e.g., “Dear_____:”). Body is the bulk of the letter. Complimentary closing is the end of the letter.
Parts of a Business Letter Signature lines are the name and title of the person signing the letter. Reference initials are the first letters of the first and last (sometimes middle, too) name of the person who typed and sent the letter. Enclosure notation is an explanation of any enclosed information. Postscript is a reference to the recipients of additional copies.
Effective Business Letters The document should be concise and precise. The author should strive for neatness. A title of respect should be included. A return address and zip code should be included. It is essential to pay close attention to spelling and grammar.
Handwritten Thank you Letters A handwritten thank-you letter gives a more personal approach to the gesture. Exceptional penmanship is required to hand-write letters. It is important to differentiate whether the environment calls for such a casual and personal method of communication.
Typed Thank you Letters A typed letter mailed via United States Postal Service may be slower to reach a destination, but it may be more attractive to the receiver (who may be inundated with email). It shows that the individual took extra time to compose the letter and to prepare it accordingly.
Typed Thank you Letters A typed thank-you letter should be printed on quality paper. should use a quality printer. include a fresh signature (blue or black ink). use a custom letterhead when possible. be sent via the USPS, requires attention to detail.
Emailed Thank you Letters Often emailing a follow-up thank-you letter is appropriate and is less time consuming than mailing a letter. Following the general email etiquette rules is important.
Emailed Thank you Letters Email thank-you letters must be concise and appropriate. should avoid slang and emoticons. should maintain a professional tone. should avoid the use of emoticons - a sideways facial glyph used to indicate an emotion. must be proofread and edited carefully before sent.
Rules: Formal Business Thank-You Follow formal business-letter writing when composing a thank-you letter. Avoid sending one-size-fits-all letters; time should be spent tailoring information accordingly. Tailoring information is customizing the message to a specific audience or individual.
Rules: Formal Business Thank-You Use professional, formal language. Be brief yet concise (less than a full page) Align all paragraphs to left-margin aligned. Avoid overuse of the personal pronoun “I”. Use a colon following the greeting.
Rules: Formal Business Thank-You The thank-you letter of an interviewee should state: The date of the interview The position of interest Specific topics discussed at the time of the interview The value that will be added upon being hired
Business Emails Electronic mail (email) is a form of communication for exchanging digital messages between two or more users on a computer or cellular device.
Business Emails Email allows people to communicate instantly, which can be problematic. Can be: Rushed or lazy Emotional Unclear Passive aggressive A poor substitute for a real & necessary conversation
Rules for Business Emails Assume the message will be shared with everyone or even put in a newspaper Remember that grammar, spelling, punctuation rules apply. Proofread the message and ask if it is clear, necessary, and helpful to the situation. Verify the address(es) to which the message is being sent.
Rules for Business Emails Email should not be used to punish, embarrass, joke, or expose a behavior. The length should be no longer than one screen shot, or attachments may be necessary.
Goal of a Business Email The goal of the email should be as follows: The email will be read. The email will be understood. The email will not frustrate the receiver by taking up too much time.
Review Questions What is the purpose of an outline? What part of a business letter includes the mailing address of the sender and the date? What special rules should be followed when sending a thank-you electronically? What are three goals of any business e-mail correspondence?