HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Angus Waugh SAI-UK IntoIT The INTOSAI IT Working Group Journal Beijing, April 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Angus Waugh SAI-UK IntoIT The INTOSAI IT Working Group Journal Beijing, April 2010

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT – the WGITA Journal Mix of news, views and comments on IT and IT audit issues from SAIs around the world Our magazine, our communication medium Provides an opportunity for SAIs to: Showcase their activities in the area of IT Audit Share good and bad practice Share lessons learned Open up avenues for communication and knowledge sharing

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT – the WGITA Journal… Produced single-handedly by SAI-UK, we… Establish themes and collate contributions Liaise with contributors, co-ordinating responses Provide language quality control & editorial oversight Design, manage layout and pictures Publish electronically, physically and distribute Process is fairly resource light Primary costs are in the design, publishing and distribution

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT- the current edition… Issue 29, published March 2010, articles on: –Data analysis using IDEA (SAI-Australia) –Information Security, a mandatory requirement (SAI- Brazil) –Using IT as an effective audit tool (SAI-China) –EUROSAI IT Audit survey (SAI-Finland) –Information Security audits in the Nordic countries (Nordic SAIs) –Auditing ERP systems (SAI-Pakistan) –Using sound development Frameworks (SAI-Switzerland)

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT- the current edition… Country focus – to showcase the SAI and the country, in edition 30 - Australia –History of the ANAO – over 100 years old –Ongoing challenge of maintaining independence –Systems, frameworks and processes supporting the work of the ANAO –How information technology provides the platform and the enabling vehicle for success

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT- the previous 12 months… Limited response to requests for articles Grateful to those who responded and enabled publication in early 2010 – you know who you are! Edition 29, loosely themed on Information Security – last published version Future editions will be only available electronically – get on mailing list!

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY IntoIT - Next Editions We have a country focus for Edition 30, future editions? The primary theme will be the audit of e- Government systems To ensure the journal continues we… –would welcome suggestions for themes for Edition 31 and beyond? –Propose that the themes should reflect the next Performance Audit seminar topics? –Also need lots of short news articles that add variety and topicality – please!

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Circulation 300+ paper copies distributed to SAIs and State Audit Offices Several others – other public sector bodies and individuals Several hundred copies also downloaded from web site But is there sufficient interest…?

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Deadlines, website & contact details Deadline for edition 31 – end May 2010 Publication in August 2010 Website: contact:

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY The future for intoIT… SAI-UK looking to reduce resource investment in International activity to concentrate on domestic matters Invite the Group to consider whether there is still a role for the journal SAI-UK are looking to stand down as editors after INCOSAI 2010 in November If we feel there is a role then we invite volunteers to take on the role or partner with the UK

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Angus Waugh SAI-UK The INTOSAI IT Working Group Website Beijing, April 2010

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY WGITA Website Contains papers, briefings and guidance from SAIs on the latest developments in IT Audit Forum for colleagues within WGITA to share knowledge Host databases on: –E-Government audit –IT Governance The website should be the subject of future review on its purpose, content and location

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Activity in the last 12 months There have been a number of developments on the website including… –Papers from the 18th meeting in Doha; –Added editions 28, 29 & 30 of intoIT; –Expanded the list of reference material, including the e-government audit database and the IT Governance database.

HELPING THE NATION SPEND WISELY Website link and the future… Website: The UK is looking for a partner SAI to take on the hosting of this facility INCOSAI 2010 will be the date when we will handover or cease hosting The Group is invited to consider the ongoing purpose and role of the website If there continues to be an ongoing requirement SAIs are invited to nominate any SAIs willing to share the hosting and publishing responsibilities to discuss further