How can having someone disagree with you help you learn? Read the quote: “I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.” ~Dudley Field Malone How can having someone disagree with you help you learn? Quickwrite (p6)
Quickwrite 2 (p6) Would it be easier if everyone had the same personality, looks, talents and interests?
Roadblocks To Celebrating Differences Ignorance means you're clueless. You don't know what other people believe, how they feel, or what they've been through. Cliques there's nothing wrong with wanting to be with those you're comfortable with; it becomes a problem when your group of friends becomes so exclusive that they begin t reject everyone who isn't just like them. Its kind of hard to value differences in a close-knit clique. Prejudice: Have you ever stereotyped, labeled, or pre-judged by someone because your skins the wrong color , your accent's too heavy, or you live on the wrong side of the tracks? Haven't we all and isn't it a sick feeling. Although we are created equally, unfortunately, we are not all treated equally.
Synergy Action Plan (p8) Define the Problem Make sure you understand the problem or task. Their Way Try to understand everyone’s ideas. Listen carefully. My Way Seek to be understood. Share your ideas. Brainstorm Be creative. Everyone create new ideas. High Way Find best solution.
Example: Scenario
Step 1: Define the Problem
Step 2: Their Way
Step 3: My Way
Step 4 Brainstorm
Step 5: High Way
Using the Synergy Action Plan (p8) Get with your South partner. Choose one of the scenarios. Use the Synergy Action Plan to come up with a solution for the problem.
Synergy Summary I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different from me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems. I know that “two heads are better than one”. I am a better person when I let other people into my life and work.
Using the Synergy Action Plan (p9) Create your own scenario/problem. Use the synergy action plan to solve the problem. Make sure you write in complete sentences.
Written Response(p10) Think about someone who irritates you. Why do you think that you don’t work well together? What can you do to be a better team player with this person? Write your answer on p10 of your notebook.