S3 into S4 Information Evening Moving to the Senior Phase
The Senior Phase Provides specialisation, depth and rigour. Prepares young people to achieve qualifications to the highest level of which they are capable. Continues to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. Continues to include learning across the four contexts. Supports young people to achieve a positive and sustained destination.
The New Qualifications Qualifications offered in Scotland were becoming dated and were no longer meeting the needs of all learners. The new qualifications have been developed to build on the Broad General Education being delivered S1-S3. The new qualifications have been simplified to make it easier for learners, parents/carers and potential employers to understand.
The New Qualifications
National 3 At National 3 level, the course will be made up of a number of units, and an Added Value Unit. This Added Value Unit will assess the skills, knowledge and understanding selected from other units of the course. In order to pass at National 3 level, your child must pass all unit assessments. All units are graded at pass or fail.
National 4 At National 4 level, the course will be made up of a number of units, and an Added Value Unit. This Added Value Unit will assess the skills, knowledge and understanding selected from other units of the course. In order to pass at National 4 level, your child must pass all unit assessments plus the Added Value Unit. All units are graded at pass or fail.
National 5 This course will also include Units that are assessed by your child’s teacher. In order to achieve a Course at National 5, your child must pass all Units plus a Course Assessment. Course Assessments will normally be carried out using one or two assessment methods and these will be externally marked by SQA or, where appropriate, internally assessed by the school. The majority of National 5 courses will have an assignment completed within school and an examination. Both will be added together to give your child their overall grade. This will be graded A-D.
Moving to the Senior Phase in S4 In S4 pupils will study seven certificated subjects, two of which will be English and Maths. These courses must be selected from subjects already being studied in S3. Pupils will progress within these subjects in S4 and sit National Level exams at the end of S4. National courses will be taught for four periods per week. In S4 pupils will also have core subjects comprising three periods per week of Physical Education, PSE and Religious and Moral Education.
Moving to Qualifications In S4 your son/daughter will study 7 subjects Advantages: More teaching time for each qualification subject Four periods a week for all subjects Maintains a breath of learning across the curriculum This gives real potential for deeper learning and higher attainment across the courses chosen for study in S4
Option process Discussion in Tutor and Assembly Advice from Skills Development Scotland (Careers) S3 pupils have had a transition meeting with their Pupil Support teacher