Question 1 Question 2 Complete the tally / frequency table. Favourite activity Tally Number of Students Question 2 Complete a bar graph with the above data. Sports IIIII IIIII Computer games 25 Riding bikes 16 Shopping IIIII IIIII IIIII I facebook IIIII IIIII IIIII
Question 3 Question 4 Draw a picture graph for the table. = 4 points Team Points Storm 28 Raiders 16 Broncos 14 Eels 24 Question 4 What is the graph showing? What is each symbol worth? Which sport is played most? How many students play Rugby?
Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Label each as Categorical or Numerical Data Number of Pets Type of Pet Favourite Music Favourite TV Show Your Pets weight Colour of your house Question 7 Create a column graph using the table below making sure you include labels. Question 6 Create a dot plot where = 10 students Students in detention per day Monday 30 Tuesday 60 Wednesday 40 Thursday Friday 20 Type of Pet Student Responses Dog 9 Cat 12 Bird 4 Chickens 5
Question 8 Using the table to the right answer: Number of hours students play sport How many Yr 8 students played between 2-5 hrs of sport? How many more students played sport less than 2 hours compared with more than 5? How many Yr 7 students played less than 5 hours of sport? How many total did more than 2 hours of sport? Less than 2 hours Between 2 and 5 hours More than 5 hours TOTAL Year 7’s 20 60 20 100 Year 8’s 10 40 50 Year 9’s 70 10 120 80 300 Question 9 Using the table to the right answer: Which sport was the favourite for Gr 3’s? Which sport was least favourite for Gr 4’s? Are there more Gr 3’s or Gr 4’s? What’s the difference? How many students are there total?
Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Write a sentence to explain each Primary data and Secondary data. Question 11 Label each of the below as either Primary or Secondary data. Questionnaire Newspaper Internet Survey Question 12 Create a double bar graph (remember labels): Which shop sold the most? What was the best month for Shop A? What was the best month for Shop B? What was the difference between the shops total sales? Month Shop A Shop B Jan $650 $750 Feb $550 $500 March $400 $350 April May $300 $285
Question 13 Question 14 Question 15 Using the data below: 49 6 20 36 14 46 5 21 43 22 32 5 46 20 13 46 48 43 96 1 26 23 24 17 15 10 16 22 40 9 Which measures have changed: Question 14 Create a Stem & Leaf plot for the data above without the outlier. Question 15 Create a Box Plot from the stem and leaf plot. Remove the outlier and find the: Mean: Median: Mode: Range: Outlier: Find the: Mean: Median: Mode: Range: Outlier:
Question 16 Question 17 Question 18 Calculate an estimate for the mean class mark. Question 17 Create a histogram of the data. Question 18 Create a back to back stem and leaf plot of the data below. 14 10 25 6 31 15 18 30 6 17 24 25 38 4 19 39 30 36 2 27 19 9 40 17