Consistency of Teacher Judgement ReIigious Education CurricuIum Consistency of Teacher Judgement
Moderation is one of the practices or processes A need to engage teachers with all four strategies
Developing shared understandings of the curriculum intent Identifying evidence of successful learning Moderating teachers’’ judgements Activating learning Engage teachers with all four CTJ strategies: Developing shared understandings of the curriculum intent Beginning point for all conversations about a student’s learning The ‘type’ of standard Need teacher dialogue about this Identifying evidence of successful learning What is the extent of knowledge? The depth of understanding? The sophistication of skill? What is ‘beyond’? (the must haves and the might haves) Activating learning by engaging with pedagogical practices Anticipate ‘misconceptions’ Learning and teaching strategies / multiple ways Assessing opportunities – for, of, as learning Giving feedback Moderating teachers’ judgements Use learning bytes as a resource Identify the purpose of a work sample: typical of a standard; typical of beyond the standard; need of clarification; borderline decision ‘must haves’ (critical evidence) and ‘might haves’ (possible evidence of greater extent of knowledge, depth of understanding and sophistication of skills) Interschool moderation Facilitator training
CTJ Strategies… Teachers plan for learning that builds on students' knowledge, understanding and skills by identifying: the curriculum expectations for the year level using the year level description and the achievement standard what students need to learn using the content descriptions the focus of student learning for a particular period of time the aspects of the standard that will be addressed the aspects of learning that meet the needs of each student. Class and individual planning is premised on high expectations for all students, therefore, teachers approach planning expecting that every student can learn and achieve the standards.
CTJ Strategies… Teachers cater for the diverse needs of students by using a range of different assessment strategies to ascertain what each student has learnt and make judgements about the extent and quality of each student's achievement in relation to the achievement standards. Establish clear learning intentions and success criteria Begin with the approved curriculum Create and make clear and visible the learning intentions Use the curriculum to create and make clear and visible the success criteria Establish learning goals for all students Assessing student learning What does successful learning look like for these students? Do assessment opportunities allow students to achieve the standard? What evidence will be collected? Which elements of the standards are to be assessed? How will students know what is being assessed? What ongoing opportunities are there for assessment? Have opportunities for assessment for, of and as learning been considered? What techniques and tools can teachers use to best assess learning? Are the criteria consistent with the intended curriculum? Is there opportunity for the criteria to be negotiated or developed collaboratively?
CTJ Strategies… Pedagogy relates to the principles and practices of teaching children. Pedagogy is teaching that makes learning visible and leads to successful achievement for all learners. Effective pedagogy creates conditions where the relationship between the learning and teaching is focused, generative and responsive enabling every learner to participate and progress in their academic and social development. Pedagogical practices Our model of pedagogy brings together the principles and practices of learning and teaching that lead to success for all learners. These principles and practices arise out of the beliefs and values of the Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework and an evidence-base upon which teachers can construct their practice to ensure that all students are progressing in their learning and development. It provides a common language for planning and reflecting on learning and teaching in our Catholic schools. Principles High expectations - for successful learning for every learner Equity and excellence – in every classroom through evidence based practice Continuity of learning – through access to learning entitlement for every learner Practices Our pedagogical practices aim to impact positively on students' progress and achievement and are described below as:
CTJ Strategies… Moderation is a collaborative process undertaken in a supportive professional environment that: focuses on achieving consistency, comparability and consensus about the standard of student work engages teachers in professional dialogue focusing on the extent to which an achievement standard is evident in a piece of student work enhances teacher professional judgement occurs formally and informally throughout the year. This process helps: develop shared interpretations of the Australian Curriculum achievement standards and expectations of what constitutes achievement of the standard develop reliability in making judgements strengthen the value of teachers' judgements to ensure that judgements applied across a body of evidence to be used for reporting purposes are fair and comparable.
2014 Religion CTJ Focus Engaging with sacred texts across the strands of the Religion Curriculum P-12