As with every skill, it requires not just instruction but practice.” DEAR re-launch September 2015 “Reading is a skill. As with every skill, it requires not just instruction but practice.”
What is the aim? Every student will leave Cardinal Wiseman with their reading age at least the same as their chronological age. ‘To get a grade C at GCSE students need to have a reading age of 15.’ Do you know your current reading age? What will you do to improve it?
STAR reading Every student at Cardinal Wiseman will take a STAR reading test 3 times a year. This test will calculate a pupil’s current reading age after answering a series of multi-choice questions.
Now you know your ZPD… The books you choose to read during DEAR must match the lowest level specified by your ZPD. For example, if your ZPD is 4.8-9.6 you will start on a yellow book. You are only to move onto a higher level book if you are succeeding in your quizzes. Each library book contains an information sticker related to AR.
Bookmark Complete your bookmark by adding your current ZPD. Keep this in your book at all times. When you change your book use your bookmark for reference.
What do you do after reading a novel? Once you have completed the reading of a novel, you must go to Room 13 with your quiz pass in order to take a quiz.
Follow the simple steps to start taking your quizzes! How do you take a quiz? 2. 1. Follow the simple steps to start taking your quizzes! 3.
Once the quiz is complete… Print 2 copies of your TOPS report and leave one in the library with Miss Bayley or Miss Hennessy and take one back to class so your DEAR teacher can file it away.
Conversation records If you gain a score of 80% or more your TOPS report will be put in your folder and you are free to choose a new book. If you gain a score of less then 80% you will need to have a conversation with your DEAR teacher about how to improve your reading technique and the next steps you need to take.
Rewards Each half term, the pupils who have made the most progress related to their reading ages will receive a certificate in assembly and an early lunch pass for the following week. Merits are rewarded for excellent behaviour during DEAR and will be issued by your DEAR teacher. Praise postcards will be sent home for every pupil who gains 100% on their quizzes. These will be issued by Miss Bayley or Miss Hennessy. At the end of the year, Mr Matthews will reward the pupils who have made the most progress with a reward of their own choosing from a list of current rewards. These may include tablets and kindles etc.
Happy reading!