Rachel Shankles AR Alpha Epsilon Google Your Docs Rachel Shankles AR Alpha Epsilon
Go to http://www.google.com and sign in or sign up We will talk about using: Google Spreadsheets Google Forms For our chapter needs
Spreadsheets to Collect Info To collect accurate phone numbers and addresses of members To be able to print the memb ership info or share it on the web when filled out Set up a computer at a meeting, make a shareable google spreadsheet Have each person fill in the blanks as she enters Saves automatically every few seconds Share the info via a link back to them and they have right to change it at any time
Spreadsheet Sample http://goo.gl/ppWLV Go to your browser on your phone or ipad and go to this url Try to enter your last name, first then state then chapter— anywhere between 2 and 89 Every can’t hit 2nd box at once
My list of Google Docs
To make a form go to your google drive Go to ‘more’ in the menu/ to Drive if you have Chrome Go to ‘documents’ in the menu Select the red box ‘Create’ from the page Click on ‘Form’ from the list of types of documents (Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing, or Table) Select a background Set privacy and share options(share with anyone with the link is always a wise choice or list the google acct. names of persons to share it with). You are owner and they don’t need rights to edit a form or survey but would a spreadsheet or collaborative doc. Decide if you want the first question to be ‘What is your name?’ or if you want the answers anonymous. Start using the pull down menus to select what types of questions
Small edit icons show up when you hover your mouse over the top right area Duplicate Trash
Text type answer Example: Question title What is your last name? Answer box is small for one or two words
Paragraph Text Type Questions Example: What is your address? This type of box allows for a two or three sentence answer.
Mutliple Choice type questions Example: What shape is a chromozone? Help Text=put a dot by one answer Round Square Oval
Checkboxes for answers Example: Why do you check out library books? Help text- you may check as many as apply Pleasure reading Book reports Photo browsing research
Pick from a list Do you agree with this statement: All pit bull dogs are dangerous. Choose from the pull down menu list one answer. Totally Somewhat Not at all
Scale Rate your satisfaction with the cafeteria food. Help text: 1 is highest --5 is lowest; choose only one answer Labels: Great food every day Great food most of the time. Average food all the time. Average food half the time. Terrible food most of the time.
Remember Copy the url link on the form and email that to those you want to take the survey or fill out the form You can make it shorter by using http://goo.gl but save the shortened link somewhere Under ‘Form’ put checkmark by ‘accepting responses’ til your deadline then uncheck it Next time you open it you will see the spreadsheet view of respondents’ answers and if you need the live form again that is in the ‘Form’ menu and select ‘go to live form’
Using the Results Under ‘Form’ you can go to ‘summary of responses’ after your deadline and you have charts and graphs showing percentages on those that were scales and grids or multiple choice questions
Rachel Shankles Email shankles@cablelynx.com Arkansas Alpha Epsilon Former AR Pres, SCReg Sec, SC Reg Ex in Ed Chair Retired Library Media Specialist after 42 years Works as tech consultant to schools and educational coops