Welcome to 8th Grade! Tina Baker – Language Arts/ Social Studies Kayla Jolley – Math/Algebra 1 Heather Mull – Science David Taylor – EC
How is 8th grade different? Grades students earn in core classes determine High School class placement. Focus on High School Skills Personal Responsibility and Independent Work Attendance is important for all classes.
Rules Respect other people & their belongings. Come to class prepared & ready to learn. Stay on task. One speaker at a time. Be Responsible.
Consequences Warning Demerit ISS/Timeout Please see our handbook and/or school discipline policy for additional school rules & consequences that may result in an office visit.
Cellphones Cellphones will need to stay in lockers. They do not need to be in the classrooms (except when needed for class use) and they should not be in any common areas during school hours (hallways, restrooms, cafeteria during lunch, etc). If needed for class use, teachers will arrange a time for students to retrieve their phones from lockers. School Wide Consequences: 1st – Students receive a demerit and a phone call home. 2nd – Phone given to teacher to take to the office, teacher calls home, and parents will need to come get the phone from school. 3rd – Phone given to teacher to take to the office and administration calls home.
Rewards After 4.5 weeks: Open seating at lunch and/or snack reward. This reward is based on a combined number of demerits for all students in the grade level. Students work together to earn the reward. The entire 8th grade block cannot have more than 49 demerits. (On the 50th demerit, the reward is lost). After 9 weeks: Pizza and outside time or movie and popcorn. This reward is based on each individual student’s demerits, missing assignments (able to turn-in), and cell phone offenses. Students must have no more than 2 demerits, have no more than 4 missing assignments, and cannot have their cell phone taken more than once. (They lose the reward at the 3rd demerit, 5th missing assignment, and 2nd cell phone offense).
Forms PLEASE go through these carefully as they contain very valuable information. These will be given out on the first day of school (Monday, August 29th) The right pocket will contain all of the paperwork that needs to be signed and brought ASAP.
Please Read The Internet Form Carefully
Communication Contact us by phone or email. Email is preferred due to time constraints. Our planning period is from 10:05 - 11:35 am. Please be sure to check your email regularly for important information.
Tutoring We make every effort to accommodate the needs of our students. If your student needs tutoring, we will arrange a schedule on an as needed basis. Tutoring is every Thursday from 3:15 – 4:00 pm, unless a conflict arises.
Supplies At least 2 threaded composition books Loose Leaf Paper Graph Paper 3x5 Index Cards Glue Stick Combination Lock- (no key or suitcase locks)- 4 AAA Batteries for Math – turn into math teacher At least 2 threaded composition books 2-3 Spiral Composition Books 1 inch 3-Ring Binder #2 Pencils (stock up while on sale) Red Pens Highlighters Colored Pencils
Washington DC Trip April 26 - 28, 2017 We will visit monuments, memorials, Arlington, Capitol Building, Smithsonian, and much more. Cost of the trip is $450 per student. More information coming soon as plans are finalized (official Washington meeting later in the year). Parents interested in chaperoning this trip need to email Mrs. Jolley. It is first come first serve. The cost of the trip will be more expensive for chaperones than for students ($550 per chaperone). kjolley@caldwellschools.com
Opportunities to Help Please know that students are required to read at least 30 minutes a night. AR is mandatory for all students. Please ensure your student spends at least 30 minutes each night reviewing notes or doing assigned homework. We need Clorox wipes, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer, AAA Batteries. WISH ITEM: $1 ear buds for students for class use.
Important If your student is in Math I and you have not turned in your paperwork, please do so as soon as possible! Mrs. Jolley has extra copies tonight, if needed. Please make sure you have signed in for tonight!
Questions ? Feel free to ask
Thank you for coming!