Welcome to Forest Middle School 6th grade – Team Excalibur Mrs. Hackworth Language Arts
What Will You Need in English Class? Marble composition book for notes Colored pencils LOTS of glue STICKS!! scissors Highlighters, Regular Pencils, blue/black pen Earbuds Agenda!
What Will You Learn In English Class? Genres of fiction and nonfiction Poetry Figurative Language Students will be writing weekly journals using Google classroom. Daily Warm ups: We will alternate between grammar and vocabulary.
Using sharpschool
Bring to class EVERY day! Interactive Notebook Completed in class, occasionally homework will be assigned in it Is a study tool – all notes are provided and glued in Has examples Will use a LOT of glue sticks! Be prepared! Bring to class EVERY day!
textbooks Language Arts textbook Class novels
journals Journals will be assigned weekly. Students are given a specific topic and are to write in response using Google Docs. We will do the first journal during school to practice using Google Docs. The rest of the journals will be done at home. Journal expectations: 3-5 paragraphs, proper grammar, correct spelling
Google Classroom Eager to get started? Copy down the Google code from the board. You may join at home if you like.
Library Library circulation is during English class Accelerated Reader- AR points Library awards Virginia Readers’ Choice- 6th grade = 6 books Special field trip at the end of the year
homework Weekly journals Mental models (vocabulary practice) Grammar practice Assigned reading & reading response Study for weekly quizzes, unit tests *all notes are provided!! Students need to bring notebook home to study!
How to contact me or learn more about our class activities Email: hhackworth@bedford.k12.va.us School Phone: 434-525-6630 Sharpschool Webpage log on to the Forest Middle School website and find my name under our staff/staff listing/Heidi Hackworth
Welcome to Forest Middle School 6th grade – Team Excalibur Mrs. Hackworth HOMEBASE INFORMATION
Frequently Asked Questions Morning Arrival?? Students arrive between 8:15 and 8:35 and should report to the gym. (The first two days of school 6th grade students line up by homebase, and we pick them up in the gym.) Tardy bell rings at 8:50. Lockers ?? They will be assigned today after you follow the Moving Up Day schedule, and you can practice opening it with your parents’ help Getting Lost?? Walk through your schedule a few times today so you will know where your classrooms are, and always keep a copy of your schedule in your binder. Teachers will be in the halls to help you.
Schedule Questions What about Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 ?? This applies to those classes which rotate on a quarter basis. We are currently in Q1. What about “A” day and “B” day? Some classes are listed as “A” or “B” day classes. This only affects 1st and 2nd period classes in sixth grade. (Not all students have “A” and “B” day classes.) First Week of School: Monday “A”, Tuesday “B”, Wednesday “A”, Thursday “B”, Friday “A” Second Week of School: Monday “B”, Tuesday “A”, Wednesday “B”, Thursday “A”, Friday “B”
Schedule Questions What is connections? Monday through Thursday - This is a work completion time. Student may work on homework, ask the teacher for help as needed, or read quietly. It is a quiet work room. Friday – FUN Friday!!!
Lunch Questions Lunch – You may put money on your child’s lunch account today. Lunch time is 11:45 – 12:10 and at the beginning of 4th period.
Transportation Going home with a friend? *Both students MUST have a note from a parent. *Students give these to transportation desk in the gym in the morning.
LOCKERS Get your locker today –during the related arts time period. Practice opening your locker! On MONDAY, bring all of your items to homebase first and we will go to lockers together.
Tuesday Folders Students take this folder home each Tuesday and are expected to bring it back signed by a parent on Wednesday. FMS bucks are given for returning signed folder on time. Graded work papers School information
Phones/Toys Cell phones are to be put in student’s locker during homebase. Students are NOT to carry them during the school day. Toys should stay at home! This includes fidget spinners.
Homebase Information for Parents Fill in EMERGENCY CARDS today if possible Volunteer Sign up and Join PTA Direct donation fundraiser – you don’t have to sell anything! Lunch $ and lunch number changes – students use seven digit number to access account each day – they need to memorize this ASAP
Homebase Information for Students Walk through your schedule today Know how you are getting to and from school, including actual bus number Bring your backpacks, lunchboxes, and band instruments to homebase –I will come get you from the gym on Monday Memorize your 7 digit student number – on your schedule Give me any notes from home Fun Friday will be each Friday this year 2:45 – 3:30 Fun Friday is recess for the entire 6th grade out on the soccer field Work room – if you have missing work, you will stay in with the workroom teacher to get caught up
THE END….. Any questions?
See you Monday... Be sure to bring your excitement and a good attitude on Monday ….. remember every 6th grader will be new to FMS You made it this far, and we’re going to have a great 6th grade year together!