Total Internal Reflection 1
Optical Analog to Tunneling: Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Pick up so-called “evanescent waves” which is exponentially decaying, non-propagating electromagnetic field, analogous to wave function in forbidden region. 2
Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Familiar Example of Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Without fingers present, no light from outside of glass would get through because of internal reflection, fingers distort evanescent field, causing propagating light to occur (like measuring particle in classically forbidden region) 3
Application I: Touch Screen for Cell Phone or Tablet Pick up so-called “evanescent waves” which is exponentially decaying, non-propagating electromagnetic field, analogous to wave function in forbidden region. 4
Application I: Multifinger Touch Screens Pick up so-called “evanescent waves” which is exponentially decaying, non-propagating electromagnetic field, analogous to wave function in forbidden region. 5
Fingerprint Biometric Security Application II: Fingerprint Biometric Security 6