Jeopardy!!! Here we go!
What is division of labor? The men hunted the food and made spears out of alters and the women prepared the food and made clothes out of the animal skins.
Why was the Iroquois League created? To resolve conflict between different people groups. It worked as a confederation, a loose group of governments working together for a common purpose.
What animal fat was used to make oil for lamps? A whale
What is a Civilization? A group of people with ways of life, learning, and religion
The Plains people often held _____________________ to celebrate a cultural or religious events. One example is a corn harvest. Ceremony
What does scarce mean? When something is in short supply
What is a clan? Extended family
What is migration? Movement of people from one place to another.
What are artifacts? Objects made by people
What is a kayak? A type of one person canoe
What geographical region were igloos used in? The Artic
What geographical region were teepees used in? The Plains
What are Pueblos? A house made out of stone and brick
What does adapt mean? Adapt means to adjust or change your way of life based off the climate/environment you are in.