Phone apps, Computer Software and Multimedia Dr Paula Fonseca Lecturer Phone apps, Computer Software and Multimedia EBU4201: Introductory Java Programming (JP) EBU6042: Advanced Network Programming (JP) ECS501U: C Programming (QMUL) Email:
Projects: General Most projects involve the design and implementation of software, be it in the form of a standalone tool, smart phone app or web application, and using a variety of technologies (as appropriate) Usually most suitable to E-Commerce students: 2013/14 6 E-Commerce; 4 Telecoms 2014/15 8 E-Commerce; 2 Telecoms 2015/16 6 E-Commerce; 1 Telecoms; 3 Multimedia Main required skills: Strong programming ability (EBU4201 and EBU5304 grades will be checked prior to accepting project students) Ability to analyse information and propose solutions
Projects: Past Examples “A GPS system to manage and display journey data” Web application Storage, visualisation and sharing of user journeys Use of Google Maps API and GPX XML language “A smart phone app for voting in class” Phone app and web interface for lecturers Helping students participate in large classes, and lecturers understand which topics are easy/difficult for students Scaling of system for use by several lecturers/modules