Minerals Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Properties I Properties II Picture This True/False I Grab Bag $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
Properties - $100 What does INORGANIC mean? Not living and never was/will be
Properties - $200 The repeating pattern of a mineral’s particles from a solid called… Crystal (Structure)
Properties - $300 The way light reflects off a mineral. Luster
Properties - $400 Another way to identify minerals; it leaves the color of the POWDER behind when rubbed against a white tile. Streak
Properties - $500 The mineral property is the least reliable for mineral identification. Color
2 - $100 The scale that is used to measure the hardness of minerals. Moh’s Hardness Scale
2 - $200 When a mineral breaks along flat surfaces. Cleavage
2 - $300 When a mineral breaks along jagged edges with no real pattern Fracture
2 - $400 The hardest mineral. Diamond
2 - $500 The softest mineral Talc
3 - $100 Does this mineral have cleavage or facture? Cleavage
3 - $200 Does this mineral have cleavage or fracture? Cleavage
3 - $300 Does this mineral have cleavage or fracture? Fracture
3 - $400 Volume on the left is 20.0 mL & on the right is 22.8 mL. What is the volume of the mineral? 2.8 cm3
3 - $500 If the mass of a mineral is 10g and the volume of mineral is 5cm3 what is the density? 2 g/cm3
4 - $100 A mineral is made of rocks False
4 - $200 Quartz can scratch diamond False
4 - $300 The two samples of the mineral have different densities. False
4 - $400 List three ways to identify minerals. Answers will vary
4 - $500 Although the color of pyrite is gold what is the streak color of pyrite? Black
5 - $100 Name a type of luster What is metallic
5 - $200 Name the mineral – Hint: It stinks Sulfer
5 - $300 Name the mineral. Diamond
5 - $400 What is the equation for density? D – m/v
5 - $500 Explain why you need more than 1 test to identify a mineral. Because so many minerals look alike or have similar properties.
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