UK Sustainable Development Registrar Network Darryl Quantz – May 2017
Sustainability and Public Health Practice As a public health practitioner, you are well placed to bring about change through engaging stakeholders positively in a system-wide journey that exploits the robust evidence on the health co-benefits of making sustainable development a crucial principle of public health action in the 21st century.’ (Oxford Handbook of Public Health)
UK PHR SD Network Vision Develop our own public health practice in a manner which recognises and promotes sustainability in all aspects of our work. Advocate and promote sustainable development in our work settings and with our partners. As a network, we want to empower and support our members through professional development opportunities, sharing of information and development of working links with existing partners in the field of sustainable development.
Faculty of Public Health Integration into new curriculum: “The FPH believes that sustainability and carbon reduction are fundamental to all core competency areas of the curriculum statement..” 5.7 Demonstrate leadership in environmental sustainability with a focus on the links to health and climate change. FPH SD Special Interest Group
Opportunities: Sustainable Development in Placements Joint PHE/NHSE Strategy PHE SDMP Regional Sustainability and Health Networks Health Education England Trusts and CCGs
Examples Sustainability & Health Regional Networks National Treasure/Special Placements (e.g., Wales, PHE, SDU, FPH SIG) Sustainable Food Project JSNA - Air Quality Registrar Sustainability Network 2 months of registrar travel = burning over 2 tonnes of coal. 2/3 of miles travelled by car But over 2,000 miles travel avoided in one month through working from home, teleconferencing Promoting healthy and sustainable food Tackling food poverty food knowledge, skills, resources vibrant and diverse sustainable food economy catering and food procurement Reducing food waste Audit of Registrar Travel Sustainability Induction
Thank you ! Don’t get left behind! “Tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century” The Lancet Thank you !