Implementing Structural Funds in Hungary Zsuzsa Kondor Director General Community Support Framework Managing Authority 28 September 2004
History Economic Transformation Competitiveness Infrastructure and Balanced Development Human Resourse Development
Approach & Institutional framework Chapter 21 - define broad criteria Master Plan – OP MA and IB framework plus PA and the legal environment ‘Birth’ of the institutions Recruitment and training Ownership and authority Twinning support
Legislative environment & Tools and systems legislation institutions financial management and control budget law public procurement law manual vs. decree themed guidelines (e.g. horizontal themes, public procurement) IT system
Project Generation Project Generation Facility MEURO 27 more than 500 projects divert attention from pro-active project development
Change Management Leadership Busines Planning Addressing historical bureaucracy Cultural change Delegation with Accountability Risk aware not risk averse Customer focused
Partnership and Monitoring Committees 50% of members preliminary Monitoring Committees: September 2003 capacity building ownership
Horizontal Themes Equality of Opportunity (men and women, people with handicaps, Roma community) Sustainable Development attitude changes raising awareness disseminating best practice
Conclusions Visionary Leadership Setting goals with effective business planning Management development and change Pro-active programme and performance management Dealing with bureaucracy Seek ’fit for purpose’ solutions to business problems Structural Funds - an agent for change Creating jobs - understanding Economic Development Valuing diversity and addressing inequality Creating a sustainable environment
’Managers do things right – Leaders do the right things’ ’What distinguishes Managers from Leaders is the concern for cultural change’ ’Managers do things right – Leaders do the right things’ (quote from Max Wide, Lead Associate from SOLACE UK Ltd who led the Management of Change workshops in the CSF in Hungary.)