Gender and Sport
What Prevented Women From Participating in Physical Activity in the Past?
1. Lack of rights Women were not allowed to vote, get education, make own decisions, etc. This prevented them from making decisions with respect to their participation in physical activity 1948 Olympics – 400m relay
2. Emphasis on reproduction Women were described almost exclusively by their biology as reproducing organisms Physical exertion was thought to destroy a woman’s potential to have children
3. Societal expectations Women were expected to act “lady-like” Female athletes were negatively labelled because they did not act in accordance with these norms Many sports were discouraged because they prevented women from acting “lady-like” e.g., bicycling Female athletes were expected to emphasize their femininity e.g., by wearing feminine clothes, which impaired performance
Access to Sport for Women Single most important change in the world of sport over the past generation was – INCREASED PARTICIPATION OF FEMALES Women can now freely participate in sports that were not available to them a few decades ago
What Led to the Increased Participation of Females in Sport?
1. New Opportunities Development of new teams and programs since the late 1970’s is linked with increased participation Unfortunately, women still don’t receive an equal share of opportunities in today’s society - e.g.? These new opportunities have resulted from political changes
Political Pressure and Equal Rights Legislation In early 1980’s in Canada, pressure from women’s groups led to the investigation of sport opportunities Findings from 1984 study: 64% of inter-collegiate athletes were males Findings from 1987 study: 64% of inter-collegiate athletes were still males Today More females enjoy equal access in university sports Women’s sports are not usually promoted as mass sports Male athletes still enjoy greater financial rewards than female athletes
3. The Global Women’s Rights Movement Over the past 30 years: Emphasized that females excel as human beings when they are given the opportunity to develop their physical abilities Played role in redefining occupational and family roles for women In 1996, U.N.’s Fourth World Conference on Women called for: Increased efforts to provide sports opportunities New efforts to promote education, health, and human rights for females all over the world
4. The Expanding Health and Fitness Movement Since the mid-1970’s health research highlighted the many benefits of regular participation in physical activity for females Today, well-toned muscles and CV fitness are no longer seen as desirable only in the male population Some traditional standards still remain in terms of clothing fashion and marketing strategies Examples?
5. Increased Media Coverage of Women In Sport Today, there are increased opportunities for girls and women to follow female athletes in media This provides them with role models and encourages them to be active athletes themselves Unfortunately, women’s sports are still not covered as often or with the same detail as men’s sports Examples?
In Summary The preceding factors have: In today’s society, Collectively fostered increased interest in sport participation for females Emphasized that gender equity in sports is an important goal In today’s society, Gender equity is far from being achieved Example? But the movement is underway and there is no turning back
Racism in Sport
The Black Athlete – View of the Past Only white athletes were allowed to play on major league baseball teams Black athletes played in Negro Leagues Jackie Robinson – first black baseball player to play in the major leagues
The Black Athlete - Progress Progress has been made leading to a significant increase in black athlete representation However, the majority of people in power (e.g., team owners) are white, so the possibility of unequal access still exists
Disabilities and Sport Traditionally people with disabilities have been segregated in our society and sports Determination shown by Terry Fox, Rick Hansen, and others has led to highlighted attention of achievements of disabled athletes Changes that allowed disabled individuals to become less segregated members of our society: Crippled, handicapped, retarded disabled More sporting events are being offered Bill C-62 More ramps and accessibility Others?
Gay Athletes Professional sport is highly male, heterosexual, and homophobic “Coming out” in a sporting environment puts individual’s social status, family and fan affection, and even success at risk Dave Kopay (1976) - First North American athlete to “come out” Martina Navratilova Greg Louganis
Gay Games Formed in 1982 Since then their popularity has increased tremendously People of all sexual orientations are welcomed Key philosophy: PARTICIPATION, SUPPORT, INCLUSIVENESS AND ENJOYMENT This philosophy is opposite to conventional international competitions, which stress exclusion and ranking
Older Adults in Sport Older adults were discouraged from participating in sport due to: Developmental theory Old Medical practice Today, physical activity is viewed as part of an overall healthy lifestyle in persons of all ages Organized sports are being established to meet the needs of older adults Allow a great deal of social interactions Do not involve intimidation, use of physical force, or high-risk activities
Physical Activity and Sport Trends
Heath and Fitness Concerns Will Continue to Increase Greater emphasis on illness prevention vs. treatment Physical activity will become an integral part of illness prevention Wellness movement Emphasis on involvement in participation sports vs. performance sports Educational curricula Less emphasis on performance sports More emphasis on physical activities that involve lifetime skills
Groups Seeking Alternative Sports Rejection of traditional performance sports for alternative sports Youths will continue to form own sport in order to avoid the constraints of traditional sports Alternative sports will embody some aspects of pleasure and participation sports
Spectators and Spectator Sports More people will choose to watch vs. participate in sports Increasing variation in the sports to watch e.g., soccer, alternative sports, fishing channel Increased exposure to sports from other cultures Virtual sports