World War II 1943-1945
1943-The Axis Loosing in Europe In 1943, the war begins to favor the Allies. The Battle of Stalingrad is instrumental in pushing back the Axis. The Soviets begin retaking ground in Eastern Europe. The Allies had also kicked the Axis out of North Africa Allied occupied North Africa is used as a launching point for several attacks on Italy. The Allies eventually invade and begin to push their way up the Italian peninsula. Many Italians actually supported occupation. Before Rome is taken by the Allies, Mussolini is deposed. Italy surrenders in 1943, but is not fully captured until 1944.
1943-The Axis Loosing in Europe In 1943, American and British planes began a bombing Germany. Both sides suffer losses, but Germany infrastructure, factories, and cities are targeted. The Allies are putting the squeeze on the Axis.
1944- American Progress in the Pacific In 1944, the Americans go on the offensive to get close enough to begin bombing Japan and deprive the Japanese of resources. Many of the islands in the Pacific are very tiny. However, they were valuable as stepping stones. The goal was to get close enough to Japan so that the new B-29 bomber could be used. The B-29 had a 1500 mile range but was too big for air craft carriers.
1944- American Progress in the Pacific Americans gain control of the Marshall Islands and the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, but also wanted to take back the Philippines. The Philippines was a former territory and controlled trade between East Asia and Indonesia. Control of the Philippines would allow America to cut off oil resources to Japan. The Battle of the Philippine Sea results in an American victory, but also sees the destruction of most of Japan’s aircraft carriers. Later battles in the Philippines will give the U.S. control over the islands and trade. In 1944, the U.S. also takes Guam and the Mariana Islands. This was close enough to launch bombing raids on Japan itself.
1944- The Allies Advance in Europe The Allies begin to close in on the Axis powers in 1944. After the Battle of Leningrad, the Soviets push through the Baltic States and move into Poland. In late 1944, the Polish rebel against Germany occupation in Warsaw. Helping the Soviets advance. Rome falls after sustained bombings.
1944- The Allies Advance in Europe To combat the turning tide, Germany begins to use new technology. V-1 and V-2 rockets are fired at Great Britain, 1st time rockets are used in a major way. The Germans also introduced the 1st jet fighter plane. Luckily they developed this tech a little late!
1944- The Allies Advance in Europe Operation Overlord (D-Day) - Allied invasion of France at the Normandy. Within a month 1 million Allied troops were stationed in Europe. One of the largest coordinated invasions in history. After D-Day , Paris is liberated by the Allies. Germany mounts a counter-offensive against the Allied invasion which culminates in the Battle of the Bulge. It is called that because the front line was pushed back creating a bulge. This was the bloodiest battle that American troops participated in, 20,000 American troops die. This is the last push for the Germans as they are now surrounded.
1945- The End of the War in Europe 1945 represents the final throes of WWII. The Allies are marching towards Germany on both sides. The Allies firebomb Germany cities Hamburg, Dresden, and Tokyo. In 1945, Italy is fully captured. Mussolini is executed. The allies also began to take parts of Germany and the Soviets will take Berlin. April 30th 1945, Hitler commits suicide. Many other Nazi leaders kill themselves too rather than face trial (or more likely) execution. The Allies meeting in Yalta to discuss what will happen when the war ends. They wanted to force the Axis to surrender, but agree to handle the end of the war differently than in WWI. May 8th 1945 is declared V-E Day (Victory in Europe)
1945- The End of the War in the Pacific In the beginning of 1945 the Allies take the Philippines (Luzon and Manila). They Allies then invade the island of Iwo Jima. 70,000 marines invade the island which was held by 22,000 Japanese troops. Both sides suffer major losses, but 19,000 Japanese soldiers are killed. It takes several months to capture the island. Probably the most famous photo of the war is taken. Three of the marines in the picture died during the battle. During this time, the U.S. began to firebomb Tokyo. This results in over 100,000 casualties.
1945- The End of the War in the Pacific After VE Day, the Allies invade Okinawa. Okinawa is inhabited. In addition to troop casualties, tens of thousands of civilians die or commit suicide during the battle. Japan still refuses to surrender. Bloodbaths at Iwo Jima and Okinawa, coupled with kamikaze attacks, made invasion of Japan an unappealing and perhaps impossible task.
1945- The End of the War in the Pacific Under FDR, the U.S. had been developing an atomic bomb and now President Truman decides to accelerate the end of the war. On August 6th 1945, the U.S. drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The U.S. did issue warnings to Japan “Surrender or face destruction”, but still Japan did not surrender. Thousands of civilians die immediately. More die later due to radioactive fallout. After 3 days, Japan still did not surrender and on August 9th a 2nd atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki. On August 14th 1945, Japan surrenders, in September V-J Day is declared.
The Impact of WWII World War II was the biggest, deadliest, and most impactful war in world history: Europe was destroyed by the war & lost its place as the epicenter of power in the world The USA & USSR emerged as super powers & rivals competing for influence in the world A United Nations was formed to replace the League of Nations to help promote peace.