Theory of Social Development Erik Erikson Theory of Social Development
PSYCHOLOGIST 1902-1994 Developed theory of social development Based on theory that Humans pass thru 8 stages In each stage there is conflict
OUTCOMES In each stage there is conflict, and there can be 2 outcomes An individual can attain psychological understanding or 2. An individual develops an emotional problem OUTCOMES
BIRTH TO 18 MONTHS BASIC TRUST VERSUS MISTRUST Child will understand that even when things are not going well, they will work out Stage 1
18 Months – 3 years old Autonomy versus Shame & Doubt Develops strength of Willpower & Determination Stage 2
Ages 3-5 Initiative Versus Guilt Child will develop a sense of purpose Stage 3
Industry Versus Inferiority Produces a sense of competency Stage 4
12-18 years Identity Versus Confusion This stage produces virtue of loyalty, and the ability to live by society’s standards Stage 5
18-35 years Intimacy versus Isolation Moving from isolation to some level of intimacy. Includes a wide range of relationships & putting aside differences Stage 6
40-65 years old Generativity Versus Stagnation Involves concern for the next generation Givers a person a capacity for caring Stage 7
Integrity versus Despair As death approaches task for older adults is to minimize despair and focus on the strength of wisdom Stage 8
RESULTS No reason to rush thru any of the stages If a stage does not go well the person may develop problems with future positive development RESULTS