The knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people. Culture The knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people.
Basic Needs Food B. Shelter C. Clothing No matter where you live on the earth, there are Basic Needs that must be meet: Food B. Shelter C. Clothing
Stages of Life in Every Culture All cultures also experience changes amongst the people that live there: Childhood Birth Death Old Age Adulthood
Cultural Differences in Customs: Manners Gestures mean different things around the world Marriage Celebrations Ceremonies Honoring the Dead
Institutions that exist in most cultures: Family School Government Economic Systems Religion
Causes of Cultural Change: Change in the Physical Environment Contact between cultures Technology
Where we learn about our own culture: Family Friends Community Media Be able to tell what you learn from each
Where we learn about other cultures: Interacting with members of different ethnic groups Studying the Social Sciences: 1.) Geography: Five Themes of Geography – A. Location - Where is it? B. Place – What is it like there? C. Human-Environment Interaction – What is the relationship between people and their environment? D. Movement – How do People/Product/Ideas move from place to place? E. Regions 2.) History 3.) Economics 4.) Political Sciences (Be able to tell what each of these teaches about culture.)
Gestures Around the World Cultural Differences Gestures Around the World
Gestures Around the World
This might mean "OK" in the United States, but it means "money" in Japan, an obscenity in Brazil and the Evil Eye in Saudi Arabia
The "V" for victory that Winston Churchill used (with the palm facing outward, same as the American sign for "peace"), means an obscenity when the palm is reversed in the U.K. or in some Latin American countries OOPS!!!
Sometimes Even Presidents Use Gestures Inappropriately OOPS!!
This is a unique gesture from Ethiopia. It means revenge.
This is probably not a good way to hitch a ride in Iran This is probably not a good way to hitch a ride in Iran. It is a gesture for cursing in Iran.
This action done near the head means crazy in China.
Greetings Around the World Some people shake hands, some kiss and hug. Others just say hello. These exchanges are common in the U.S., but how do people in other countries greet each other? In most of Europe, a handshake will do.
A Few Ways to Say Hello in Asia Country Gesture China a nod or bow Hong Kong (older Chinese) clasp hands together at throat level and nod India palms together as though praying and bend or nod, called namaste Indonesia say selamat, which means peace Japan bow from the waist, palms on thighs, heels together Korea a slight bow and handshake (right hand in one or both hands) Malaysia both hands touch other person's hands, then are brought back to the breast, called salame gesture Philippines a limp handshake Sri Lanka place palms together under chin and bow slightly Thailand place palms together, elbows down, and bow head slightly, called wai