When you put a thing in order, and give it a name, and you are all in accord, it becomes. - - From the Navajo, Masked Gods, Waters, 1950
A Real-Time Display (Bierman)
Examples of the range of Potential Global Events: The beginning of war The Pope’s pilgrimage Political excitement Astrological hot spots
Context explorations: Six hours of data Around the beginning of bombing in Kosovo Cumulative deviation of Zs2 or c2
The Pope’s 6-day pilgrimage to the middle east: An occasion of hope for resolution of differences
Political events, even big ones, are not necessarily of interest to the EGG
We’ll try anything once We’ll try anything once. Significant correlations with astrologically determined “hot” times
Graphical displays of the data The GCP standard is a cumulative deviation graph Here are some interesting alternative displays
The degree of deviation shown as color blocks: hot colors = big scores
Degree of deviation shown as stacked blocks of colors, plus a cumdev trace
Deviation as a bar-graph showing odds against chance for 15-min blocks
An 3-D display showing the degree of deviation as a function of the hour and the egg
There are many data streams that we can correlate with our continuous data. NOAA collects numerous measures.
Here is one we did assess Here is one we did assess. The result: no sign of an effect on the random data
The GCP data for 29 March (inset in previous figure) Black circle marks the time of the flare.
Barry Fenn 1950 – 2000 A memorial assessment of GCP data Perhaps the eggs Respond to their hosts
A respectful, exploratory look at the death of egg host Barry Fenn All 28 eggs
Same time period, Barry’s egg only Same time period, Barry’s egg only. After he passes, a 20 hour falling trend
Symmetry in the data, maybe even meaning: Barry’s egg and that of his friend, Sze Tan