College application process FAQ September 19, 2018
Question: IS MY TRANSCRIPT CORRECT? Answer: If you have not already, please review your transcript before you leave today. If it is incorrect, you will need to submit a Transcript Correction Request!
Question: What will you be responsible for forwarding to colleges? The Application, which likely includes the following: Demographic information Co-curricular involvement The Essay or Personal Statement Standardized Tests Scores (SAT/ACT) Teacher Recommendations Application fees Any required supplements Should submit all applications online!!!
Question: What will Counseling send to colleges for you? Answer: 1. Your Transcript and 2. Supporting Documents which may include: A secondary school report (SR) A letter of recommendation (only if required) School Profile Senior year grades ( after marking period 1 or 2) by separate request – must submit a Senior Year Grade Request form
Question: How do I have Transcripts and supporting documents sent to my colleges? Answer: By submitting a Transcript Request form at least 10 days prior to the postmark deadline (see form on next slide).
Fill out and Return Transcript Request Form Please note that $2.00 is required for any transcript that will need to be sent via US Postal Service 1 3 Most Important Section. Enter the following information: College name Due Date Check box(es) for materials needed Initial statements and sign Please note that we require a minimum of 10 school days to process your transcript request. The clock does not start until you turn in the paper request form! 2 4 5 Each section of form must be completed
Question: When can I submit a transcript request form? Answer: After you have met with me individually and you have been authorized by me to do so *Please try to have the following things done before you see me …
Updated your Profile Naviance Updated your Profile Naviance. Pay particular attention to Name, birthdate and email address Name must be the same as you used for all applications!
Filled out the letter of recommendation survey Filled out the letter of recommendation survey (only if the college requires a letter). If you have Checked the box on Transcript Request form Then you must fill out Counselor Letter of Recommendation Survey on Naviance: Go to ‘About Me’ tab Click ‘Counselor Letter of Recommendation’ in left hand column
Counselor Letter of Recommendation
3. If you are using the Common App… You MUST MATCH your common app account to your Naviance account (must use the email used to create your common app account)
To Common App Match…
To Common App Match…
Not using the common app then…
Question: How will My SAT and or ACT scores get to the college? Answer: You will need to visit – or and have your scores sent directly to the colleges. We will not send any standardized test scores to colleges
Question: How do I track the status of my transcript requests? From the Colleges tab… 1. Click transcript link
Track Status of Transcript Request Click on link to view status of your transcript request
Track Status of Transcript Request “Mailed” column refers to the Counselor’s responsibility of mailing your transcript Pending means transcript has not been sent yet. Be sure allow 10 school days for transcripts to be sent Mailed status currently says “pending”
Transcript Request Status Date transcript was mailed IMPORTANT! The date from which you submit the paper transcript request form is the date when we will begin counting 10 school days. However, if you are applying via the Common App, you must first add the college to your Common Application account before returning the transcript request form. The system will not allow us to send your transcript unless it is added in your Common App account.
Question: How do I request Senior year grades? Answer: For all requests, the Senior Year Grade Request Form must be submitted: (click here for printable grade request form) First Marking Period grades mailed to the college at their request only Midyear Grades (includes first and second marking periods) Submit Senior Year Grade Request form in January Attach Midyear Reports Mailed two weeks after Report Card Distribution
Q: How do I sign up for a College Rep Visit? Sign on to Naviance Click on the Colleges Tab Click on view all upcoming visits Click on College to alphabetize college list Click on sign up Click on Sign Me Up Print out the confirmation as your pass to leave class!
Q: how do I Get a teacher letter of Recommendation? You must ask the teacher directly!!! Find out what his or her requirements are
Q: How can I find Scholarship Money? Sign on to Naviance Click on the Colleges tab Scroll down to Scholarships and Money Click on any of the links to help you find money! Pay particular interest to the “National Scholarship Search” tab Why? To find free cash for college? Sallie Mae will search their database of over 3 million scholarships worth more than $13 billion, just complete the profile form found under this tab!!!
OTHER Questions OF INTEREST… Do you know what a safety school is and do you have one on your list? Do you remember how to access the College Rep Visits? Do you know how many excused College Visit absences you are entitled to? It is very important to visit, in fact, it is a must before you make a final decision!!! Do you know there is a local Regional College Fair at BCCC? Do you know how to obtain any needed teacher recommendations? Do you know that there are billions of dollars in scholarship monies availble?
Question: What do I do now? Answer: Make an appt with me to complete process and get your authorization. Narrow down your choices. Visit the colleges on your narrowed list. Come up with at least 1 safety, 1 comfort or 1 reach school to which you would like to apply.
Quick list - click here for printable quick guide Request individual meeting with your Counselor beginning September 16th. Meetings begin on September 23rd. Create a Common Application account (if applicable) *must sign FERPA Waiver Complete and submit applications either via Common Application or School specific website (must be done before requesting transcripts) Match your Common App Account in Naviance (if applicable) Turn in Transcript Request forms to Counseling office for all colleges. Track status of transcript through Naviance Request Senior year grades at appropriate time