SNF Scholarships and Grants for SNA Members During this sessions, we’ll discuss Scholarships and grants available through the School Nutrition Foundation for SNA members Who can apply for the scholarships and grants How you can apply
Why apply? Pursue your educational dreams Attend a SNA national event How many of you have heard of the School Nutrition Foundation? [ASK FOR HANDS] SNF is SNA’s sister organization which is dedicated to securing financial resources for education, professional development, scholarships and research in school nutrition Each year, SNF offers scholarships only to SNA members to: Pursue their educational dreams Attend SNA national conferences Upgrade your school kitchen’s equipment Upgrade school kitchen equipment
Pursue a Higher Education You can receive scholarships to pursue a degree at a vocational/technical, undergraduate, graduate or post graduate level in one of the four key areas: Nutrition Operations Administration Communications and Marketing Scholarships of $500-$2,500 are available and you can earn multiple scholarships towards your degree each year Can apply for multiple scholarships at once with the Common Application form online Professional Scholarships open each year in January and are awarded in the Spring to be used the following school year $500-$2,500 scholarships to earn a degree
Josephine Martin National Policy Fellow Every year, the SNF gives one current SNA member from the employee or manager category the opportunity to attend SNA's annual Legislative Action Conference (LAC) as the Josephine Martin National Policy Fellow. The Josephine Martin National Policy Fellow will travel to Washington, D.C., with all travel expenses paid up to $3,000. Expenses include Airfare ground transportation hotel accommodations conference registration per diem for meals To apply, you must: Be a SNA employee or manager section member currently and for the last three years (having joined SNA no later than April 1, 2014) Have never previously attended LAC Director level members are not eligible for this fellowship Open in the Fall each year for the following year’s LAC
ANC First Timer Scholarship Gives SNA members from the employee and manager categories who have never attended SNA’s Annual National Conference the opportunity to take advantage of the valuable educational and professional development opportunities to advance their careers and help meet their professional standards requirements Available to: current SNA members in the employee and manager categories who have never attended SNA’s ANC member must be nominated by his or her district director district director must also be attending ANC Multiple $500 scholarships will be given and each may be used to cover registration and travel expenses associated with attending ANC. Before completing the nomination, please have the following information available: Director’s contact information Director’s ANC registration and proof of payment Address information where scholarship check should be sent Scholarship opens when ANC registration opens Awards are given on a first come, first served basis. $500 to attend ANC 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia
Participate in the ANC School Nutrition Showcase Kathleen Stitt Award The Kathleen Stitt Award is presented to a graduate student or faculty member participating in the School Nutrition Research and Best Practices Showcase at SNA's Annual National Conference (ANC). $500 award is given to help defray travel expenses incurred to attend ANC. To be considered for this award, the applicant must: Currently be a SNA member Be a graduate student enrolled full-time in an MS or PhD program at an accredited college or university, or be a faculty member employed at an accredited college or university. Accepted to participate in the School Nutrition Research and Best Practices Showcase at SNA's Annual National Conference Scholarship opens in April and is awarded in May of each year for the ANC that July Participate in the ANC School Nutrition Showcase
Get Equipment for Your Kitchen Equipment Grants give school districts brand new equipment, including installation and training to use the equipment Equipment Grants are available to: SNA director-level members Who have been members of SNA for at least a year Sometimes, equipment grants also offer scholarships to attend ANC Equipment grants open during each winter and are awarded in the spring Apply Today! Go to: To apply, check deadlines, and read more about the scholarships, go to You must apply online by creating an account on and completing and submitting the online application by the deadline.
Application Tips Follow the instructions Check your spelling and grammar Beware of word counts Submit by the deadline When applying, here are some tips: Read instructions thoroughly before completing and submitting Check your spelling and grammar- you may want to write your responses in a word processor and use spell check and grammar check before copying and pasting answers into the online form All essay questions have word counts. Your application will be disqualified if you don’t follow them Don’t forget to submit your application by the deadline
For Questions, contact: (800) 877-8822 For questions, contact the SNF Scholarship Team