China and New Imperialism
Make a prediction: how will these poppies connect to imperialism and eventually lead to war?
Trade Relations Pre-1800’s strict Chinese regulations on trade Limited European trade China= trade SURPLUS Traded porcelain, tea and silk for gold, and silver Europe=trade DEFICIET Buying more than they sold
Opium British merchants began trading opium grown in India for Chinese tea Chinese became addicted to the drug
Resolving the Opium Issue Outlawed opium Executed drug dealers Britain did not stop selling opium Results in the Opium War in 1839 British victory
Results of Opium War Chinese forced to sign Treaty of Nanjing= unfair treaty A 2nd Opium War forced China to open all ports to missionaries and trade
Taiping Rebellion Peasants revolted against the Qing Dynasty Causes: Issues over land Results: Imperial forces put down the rebellion 20-30 million people died
Need to Reform? Results of Taiping Rebellion led to debate about need to reform Eastern vs. western way of life Technology was disruptive? Western religion contradicted Confucian tradition
Need to Reform? Reformers in the 1860s began the “self- strengthening movement” translate Western works develop Western-style industries Leaders still opposed change
Meanwhile in Japan… While China debated, Japan adopted Western technologies Japan joined the competition to create an empire in China led to the Sino-Japanese War China lost the island of Taiwan to Japan
European Powers Move in Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan carved out separate spheres of influence in China.
What is happening in this political cartoon? What does it remind you of…
Hundred Days of Reform Reformers in China blamed conservatives for China’s failure to look ahead “Hundred Days of Reform” in 1898 Sought to modernize the bureaucracy, the military, schools, and industry
Boxer Uprising 1900: The Righteous Harmonious Fists formed attempt to drive the “foreign devils” out of China Boxer Uprising attacked foreigners all across China Western powers joined forces to defeat the Boxers
Results of the Boxer Uprising Forced to grant concessions to foreigners Conservatives recognize need for reform Schools stressed science and mathematics instead of Confucian thought China began to expand economically and a new business class emerged Chinese nationalism spread
Webquest You will explore each of these events more in depth Work with a partner to complete questions Anything not finished in class will be HW