Rape of Nanking Unit 7
The Rape of Nanking Very brutal 300,000+ innocent Chinese were slaughtered by the Japanese during their invasion of Nanking, China in 1937. Very brutal 20,000-80,000 women were raped/gang raped Limbs were cut off, male/female genitalia cut off, decapitation, burning, torture, bayonet practice, buried alive Japanese govt. does not take full responsibility today. Surprising? What other genocide does this sound like?
The Nanking Massacre The so-called rape of the Chinese city of Nanking occurred during World War 2 and was committed by soldiers of the Japanese Army. Over a period of six weeks, nearly 400,000 civilians were murdered and an estimated 20,000 women were raped by the Japanese occupying army. Thousands of victims were beheaded, burned, bayoneted, buried alive, or disemboweled
Brutal Treatment of Women The Japanese weren't very discriminative in the women they raped: girls as young as seven and women approaching one hundred were brutally raped, sometimes by multiple soldiers at once and on repeated occasions. In some cases, the Japanese soldiers seized the women and held them prisoner in order to continue raping them whenever they wanted. Women were raped in public and in front of family members. Many kept body parts as trophies.
Nanjing (Nanking), China
Japanese Soldiers Invade
Dead Bodies in Mass Grave
Bayonet Practice
Family Crying Over Dead Child
Chinese Decapitation
Dead Child Carried By Japanese Soldier
Decapitation in Progress
Your Free Response 1) What year did Japan invade China? Why did they invade? 2) How many people were killed in the massacre? Why did the Japanese soldiers do this? 3) What do some Japanese officials say about the massacre? 4) How did learning about the Nanking massacre make you feel? 5) How do you think people can be capable of doing such terrible things to other people?