Spanish II Señora Torres Martin High School Things to Know for Parents ….and Students.
Attendance Being in school is the BEST way to not fall behind. Please avoid non-emergency appointments during school time. If a student misses class – their current homework is due at the beginning of class the day they come back. If a student misses class – it is THEIR responsibility to check Canvas for the assignment and/or to check the assignment spiral and box for absent work. If a test/quiz is missed, it is the students’ responsibility to schedule the make up on the first day back.
TARDY POLICY Now cumulative for ALL classes TD5 = Tardy over 5 minutes= 3 Detentions Tardy 1 & 2 = Warning Tardy 3 = 3 Days of Detention Tardy 4 & 5 = 1 Additional Day of Detention Tardy 6 = 1 Wed. School Tardy 7 & 8 = 1 Additional Day of Detention Tardy 9 = 2 Days Wed. School Tardy 10 & 11 = 1 Additional Day of Detention Tardy 12 = 2 Days of Wed. School Tardy 13 & 14 = 1 Additional Day of Detention Tardy 15 = 2 Days of OCS Further tardies will require a conference to determine placement. A student will be considered tardy if he/she has not arrived inside the teacher’s classroom by the time the tardy bell has rung
My Policy Enforcement: ID’s must be worn at all times. BYOT (at teacher’s discretion) Dress code: no holes, no straps, no hats, no sagging, no jammies, no short skirts. No “energy drinks” or “open containers” Students are allowed to eat in my class.
Contact Me Email = Homepage = then click on faculty-teachers-click on Torres. Old Website = Canvas- all assignments will be posted here
What We Do Daily… Notes Book work Worksheets These are handed out in class - if you miss, download them from Canvas or pick up a copy from the make-up work box. Book work Less formal practice of writing based on book and notes. Worksheets More grammar based than Book, focus on details of correct grammar. Communicative and Audio Activities During class time, we are practicing our “speaking” with other class members…must be on task and practicing!! We also do listening activities in class. Games
Grading Policy Homework 15% Practice/Classwork 20% Quizzes 30%: Tests 35%:
Quizzes and Tests… Quizzes 30%: Tests 35%: There are 2 vocabulary quizzes per chapter. One is recognition and the other is production . If you make flash cards for the production quiz, you get 5 bonus points added to that quiz grade EVERY chapter. There are also some grammar quizzes. If a student makes a 90 on the production quiz, they will not have to write the next chapters vocabulary 5x’s each (they will get a 100). Tests 35%: There is a listening and reading section where answers are generally multiple choice…and a writing section where sentences or a paragraph is expected. District Assessments: Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational
YES – we have homework every night. Homework is 15% of the six weeks’ average Homework on average will take 15-20 minutes per assignment. The Spanish department requires the students to write each chapters’ vocabulary words 5x’s each (This is the longest homework assignment they have and do get some class time to work on it.) The homework assignments are posted daily on my website and texted through remind on B-days.
Check Grades online weekly… Words of wisdom… Failure to turn in classwork/homework will cause your average to fall dramatically and may ultimately affect final average! Day 1 Assignment 100 100 Day 2 Assignment 100 100 Day 3 Assignment 100 0 Total 300/3 200/3 = = Average 100 67
With The LAB… Dropdown Lab Pairing/grouping oral practice and assignments. Oral reading or dictation assignments. Book related CD-Rom for basic practice of concepts. Online practice with book website and “teacher” websites geared toward our textbook. login: Mrs. Torres No password is needed PLEASE - bookmark these online links at home and practice daily. We have a drop down Lab in the classroom to practice speaking.
Need Help?? See Me – A.S.A.P. Need an “at home” tutor? Before and after school by appointment During lunch everyday (no appointment needed) On alternate A/B-days is okay…you still have one night to finish your assignment. Email me at or “Chat” with Remind Right BEFORE class is too late. Need an “at home” tutor? See me for SpNHS or NHS members who tutor for free! (Spanish or other classes)
Welcome to Martin High!! Set HIGH goals… Strive for HIGH goals… And achieve HIGH goals…