Do Now What is the difference between reliability and validity?
Unit 11: Testing and Individual Differences Assessing Intelligence & Dynamics of Intelligence
Origins of Intelligence Testing Binet – developed 1st standardized test…designed to identify French children who would have problems in regular classes Set to find out a child’s mental age (average age of individuals who achieve a particular level of performance) Terman – revised Binet’s test into the Stanford-Binet IQ test Stern – derived the intelligence quotient (IQ) IQ = mental age/chronological age x 100
IQ Testing Today Weschler – Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS- III) and the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III) are most commonly used today to assess intelligence Both WAIS and WISC have 2 parts: verbal and performance Achievement and Aptitude tests Achievement: designed to determine a person’s level of knowledge Usually concentrates on specific material or subject matter a person has learned Aptitude: designed to predict a person’s ability to learn a new skill
Principles of Test Creation Standardized: test items have been piloted on a similar population of people and “norms” have been established Periodically tests are restandardized : given to a random, representative sample to reset/check the norms Usually, a standardized test will form a normal curve Reliability: extent to which the test yields dependably consistent scores To check for reliability…retest with same or similar test, if scores are similar then test is reliable Validity: extent to which a test actually measures what it is supposed to measure
Intelligence Fixed or Change over Time? Stability with intelligence testing increases as one gets older By age 7 scores tend t fluctuate less and become more stable and consistent
Low Extremes of Intellectual Ability Mental retardation: having significantly below-average intellectual functioning and limitations in at least two areas of adaptive functioning Causes – a variety of factors Cure – no cures…yet are some preventative measures for certain types of MR Varying degrees of mental retardation Mild (50-70) – majority of all MR Moderate (35-49) Severe (20-34) Profound (below 20) Down Syndrome: intellectual disability with physical disorders as well Cause – extra copy of chromosome 21
High Extreme of Intellectual Ability Intellectually gifted: have IQ scores above 130-135 Individual who has a high IQ may not be gifted in all subjects, but in one or two Most extensive research done was by Terman – studied 1528 students near top of IQ range into adulthood – the resulting data have taught us much about the nature of giftedness Self- Fulfilling Prophecy: One's beliefs about other people determine how one acts towards them, and thus play a role in determining the behavior that results. Those labeled as “ungifted” may beecome so because of the label
Today Quiz your knowledge Assign Sections for teaching class tomorrow Qs #5-8 Assign Sections for teaching class tomorrow Group 1: Genetic Influences on Intelligence Twin & Adoption Studies Heritability Group 2: Environmental Influences on Intelligence Group 3: Gender Similarities/Differences in Intelligence Test Scores Group 4: Ethnic Similarities/Differences in Intelligence Test Scores Group 5: The Question of Bias on Intelligence Tests Your group will need to do the following Prepare a slide or two about your assigned topic Include 2 m/c questions that cover your topic You will have 20 minutes at the beginning of class to make your ppt. tomorrow HW = Qs #9-12 & take a couple of notes about what you would like included in your group presentation