GDP divided by population is called… Per capita
resources are limited
US GDP Rank 1 2 3
wants and needs are unlimited
PPF stands for production possibilities frontier
This condition exist whenever there is not enough of something to fulfill every persons wants and needs scarcity
What analogy do economist use to describe the good and bad incentives that persuade our decision making Carrots and sticks
3 economic questions What, how, and for whom __________ to produce
Production Efficiency
The best forgone alternative Opportunity cost
An incurred cost that is non-refundable Sunk cost
Economics is the study of (two words) Decision making
What is your opportunity cost of this class today? Answers vary
Simplified constructs of reality models
Man made resources capital
List the 4 factors of production Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
US economy is …mixed
North Korean economy is closest to … command
Workers labor
Natural resources land
A command element of US economy Taxes, FDA, public education, highways
An example of capital Tools, machines, buildings
Big picture economics macro
Where buyers and sellers come together Where exchanges take place markets
Same or Opposite Flow of Resources/Goods and $$$$$$
Whoever produces with a lower opportunity cost has the Comparative advantage
Efficient production of only grain
Opp. Cost of first 3 wine= 1 grain
command An economy in which the government controls resources
Positive or normative Micro or Macro The US economy is the best in the world
Water and oil are examples of land
The most desirable point of production is called allocative efficiency
The risk and creativity to start and continue a successful firm Entrepreneurship
Positive or normative Micro or Macro The US GDP is $16 trillion