4th Grade Parent Orientation Welcome to 4th Grade Parent Orientation
Meet the Fourth Grade Teachers This year we have five fantastic teachers. Mrs. Baca Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Brown Mrs. Holland Ms. Torre
Classroom Rules HAVE FUN! We follow the Eight Great Expectations Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher Be honest Follow directions the first time Be responsible Be here, be ready HAVE FUN!
Our Daily Schedule 7:20-730 Arrival 7:30-8:00 Morning Work 8:00-8:55 Specials: Art, Music and Physical Education (PE is every other day) 9:00-10:00-Math 10:00-11:30- Reading 11:30-12:30-RTI/Flex/computer and Library (every Wednesday) 12:30-12:50-Science/Social Studies 12:50-1:40 Lunch/Recess 1:40-2:35-Writing/RATS 2:35 Dismissal
Teaching Responsibility And Values Travel Binders These binders will go home everyday. Must be brought to school each day. Special Schedule will be in the agendas. This is a great communication tool. Please check and initial agendas each day. (Travel Binder) Teaching Responsibility And Values for Everyday Learning Travel binders will have a folder, left side of folder is to be left at home, and right side of folder is to bring right back. You will find graded work pages, pages that we did in class, unfinished work, papers that need to be redone, and notes or letters from the school in the folder. There is also a spelling and vocabulary section with the words. Example
Grades Please sign up with office for Parent Portal (you will need a picture ID and student ID number) Grades will be given each week, 2 in reading, 2 in math, 1 in science, and 1 in social studies. Work needing corrections will require parent signature and will receive the corrected grade for the 1st nine weeks. After that, I will average the original and corrected grades together. 100-90-A, 89-80-B, 70-79-C, 69-60-D, Below 60-F
ELA We are assessing our students using STAR 360 Our Reading curriculum follows Mustang District Curriculum, using Journeys We use Mentor texts for grammar and comprehension. We use Interactive Notebooks Smaller Flex group time, class novels Standard aligned comprehension assessments 40 Book Reading Challenge Three books reports, books must be preapproved before doing a report. 1. Fiction – 2. Mystery- 3. Biography-
Grammar & Writing Mentor Text weekly. Grammar rules and Interactive workbooks and test on Friday. We will also do real life writing assignments “Personalized” writing journal Daily writing 6 + 1 Writing Traits District Reading assessments three times a year. District Writing assessment twice a year.
Math Everyday Math Curriculum Math Journals Everyday Math Website instructions and games Homework-unfinished work Small group instruction Fact Practice and Weekly Test
Spelling We will do lots of word sorts for our spelling practice through our Word Work Center. We will use the spelling words that correlate with the reading series. We will have a multiple choice spelling test each lesson. Words can be found at Spellingcity.com, in the Travel Binder or on my website (http://www.mustangps.org/VanessaBaca.aspx) - I am still currently working on my webpage!
Flex-Group Flex group is intervention or enrichment in reading and math. We will work on Word Work, Vocabulary, Poetry/Figurative Language, Writing, Comprehension, Math games. Students will receive small group instruction time with teacher.
Science Science textbooks and small leveled text Science Detectives Experiments STEM Experiments Some home projects - This will be given with 2 week notice and instructions
Social Studies Oklahoma Social Studies Weekly Magazines Weekly assessments Integrated in Language Arts States & Capitals Test Southwest Region Test - West Region Test - Midwest Region Test - Southeast Region Test - Northeast Region Test - State report Oral Presentations
Technology Regularly used websites: Study Island Everyday Math Website Prodigy Spelling City Thinkcentral Xtra Math
Homework Other Homework Binder Folder unfinished classroom work Limited- some spelling, occasional math, Science and Social Studies, Some major projects Previous work with a grade 69 or below will need to be redone and have parent signature and returned ASAP. unfinished classroom work 40 Book Challenge Math Sheets as needed Individual needs
Absent Work Students have three days to make up absent/missing work. Students will find missing/absent work in the absent folders. Please let the teacher know if this is not sufficient time.
Contact Info. You may contact me by email: bacav@mustangps.org school phone: (405)324-4567 or on bloomz (If need information please let me know) Please allow at least 24 hours for a response. I do work in Norman at another job and I have 2 kids that are active in sports. If there is an emergency or you need your child to go home a different way than usual, please contact the front office.
Goals We are here for your child and any support you need. We will respect you and your child and do our best to teach them what they need as fourth graders as well as meet them where they are, as students. Our goal is to see them as successful 4th graders and ready for the demands of fifth grade.
Extra Items Snacks are important in class. Feel free to send some for the class. Students are allowed to go to the restroom,during the day, as long as the teacher is not giving instruction. If your child has restroom issues, please let me know. We do not what to embarrass anyone. But when students are taking too many frequent restroom breaks, they are missing valuable teaching time.
Thank you for coming!