FLEX/FLES PLT Meeting January 26, 2016
Agenda Welcome and introductions ASW Briefs Technology and ASW Next topic and announcements
ASW Briefs New Timelapse Artifact Template (Teacher Resources) Increased Space for Files – 20 MB
ASW Briefs Do not use links or internal websites as evidence Supporting Documents – prompts, scripts, text, answer key, rubric, etc. Log-in to a different computer to verify file upload
ASW Briefs Narrative Context – How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? (Pt. 1&2) Describe the growth between points 1 & 2, including how much time passed between the two points in time. (Pt.2) Frequency and Duration – how often and how long, include any special scheduling information
Technology and ASW
educreations app on any device you (and students) will have to create an account (one of you will have to do this today) way to create a “narrated slideshow”/demonstration/explanation emphasis on spoken and written language please access this tool, explore it, ask questions, and try to develop some potential applications for your class
Adobe Voice app on iPads you (and students) will have to create an account (one of you will have to do this today) easy way to create visually appealing student artifacts with an emphasis on spoken communication please access this tool, explore it, ask questions, and try to develop some potential applications for your class Some iPads are already logged in – if not use dramirez- carter@wcpss.net password: WCPSSwl1
mRecorder mRecorder may be one option for you to record video without running into size limits Search for mRecorder on Google (come up on iTunes – free) Has 5 resolution sizes: 1920x1080, 1280x720, 640x480, 480x360, 352x288, 192x144 Resolution 353x288 @ 2:22 = 20MB
Announcements Announcements from the group Next topic: Tech Tools – language learning apps