Chapter 27 – World War II (1935-1945) Section 2 – The War Begins
War in Asia 1937 – Japan begins an all-out war against China. Planes bombed cities. Thousands of civilians killed. Japanese troops occupied northern and central China. US concerned. Threatened Open Door Policy (?) and the Philippines, which US controlled. Still, US population isolationist so they did not take a firm stand against the Japanese.
Review – Pull out your ABCD cards Why was the US concerned about this? Threatened trade Threatened Philippines Both A and B Why did the US not take a firm stand against the Japanese? Internationalist feelings in the US Isolationist feelings in the US Many Japanese living in US. What did Japan due in 1937? Invaded Manchuria, China Attacked Russia All-out war against China Attacked Philippines
War in Europe 1938 – 2 years after Hitler occupied the Rhineland, he annexed (took over) Austria. Once again, this was a violation of the Versailles Treaty. Later the same year, Hitler claimed the rights to the Sudetenland (western part of Czechoslovakia) because many in Sudetenland had German heritage.
War in Europe, continued The Munich Conference Britain and France had treaties with Czechoslovakia to protect them but did not want to go to war. Sept 1938 – Leaders of Britain, France, Italy and Germany met in Munich, Germany Britain and France agreed that Germany could have western Czechoslovakia based on Hitler’s promise that he wanted no more territory after that. Appeasement – the policy of giving in to aggression in an attempt to avoid war.
War in Europe, continued Invasion of Poland Nazi-Soviet Pact Aug 1939, Hitler and Stalin (?) made this agreement. Agreed not to attack each other Agreed to divide Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe Sept 1939 – Germany launched a blitzkrieg (?) against western Poland. Planes and tanks invaded. Poles defended with cavalry and rifles. USSR (?) invaded eastern Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
Review – Pull out your ABCD cards When one gives in to aggression in an attempt to avoid war, it is called: Cowardice Appeasement Blitzkrieg Stupidity Hitler felt it was safe to invade Poland because: The Munich Conference said Hitler could have Poland Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland. England, France and the US promised not to attack Germany. All of the above. Why was the Munich Conference held? Because Germany invaded the Rhineland Because Germany took over Austria Because Germany took over Czechoslovakia Because Hitler said he thought western Czechoslovakia should be part of Germany
A Global Conflict Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days after they invaded Poland. Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan and 6 other nations Allies – (by the end of the war) Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States, China, and 45 other countries. Fighting took place all over the world.
A Global Conflict, continued 1940 April – German forces smash through Denmark and Norway May – German forces took over Holland and Belgium and invaded France. Britain sent troops to help France. British and French troops overpowered and retreat to Dunkirk – a French port on the English Channel. British sent every kind of boat they had (?) and carried 338,000 soldiers safely to England. June 22nd – France surrenders to Germany.
A Global Conflict, continued Battle of Britain After France surrendered, Britain stood alone against Germany. Winston Churchill – Britain’s new prime minister (who was the previous one?) German planes dropped bombs on London and other British cities. British fighter pilots fought back, shooting down almost 2,000 German planes. By late 1940 – After months of bombing, Hitler gave up his plan to invade Britain.
Review – Pull out your ABCD cards What do these countries have in common: Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France? They were all part of the Axis Powers They were countries that Britain invaded in 1940 They were countries that Germany invaded in 1940 They were countries that Russia invaded in 1940 Why was Britain not in the list of countries in the first question? Britain is a group of islands and the others were all on the mainland of Europe. The British speak English and the other countries do not. Britain invaded Germany in 1940 instead of Germany invading Britain. Britain successfully defended itself against Germany in 1940.
FDR and American Policy After Poland was invaded, FDR announced that the US would remain neutral (?) FDR wanted to help the Allies. FDR asked Congress to repeal the Neutrality Acts (?) Compromise: US could sell weapons to the Allies on a “cash-and-carry” basis 1940 – Churchill asked US for ships because so many British ones had been sunk by Germany. FDR gave Britain 50 old American destroyers in return for 99 year leases on military bases in Newfoundland and the Caribbean. Congress approved more spending for army and navy Sept 1940 – Congress sets up first peacetime draft in US history
FDR and American Policy, continued FDR ran for and easily won a third term in 1940 (?) “Don’t change horses in midstream.” By end of 1940, Britain was running out of cash (?) FDR suggested we lend war supplies to Britain. Isolationists were outraged (?) FDR gave speeches saying that: Britain was defending democracy from totalitarianism The US should be “the great arsenal of democracy” Urged US to defend the “Four Freedoms” Freedom of Speech Freedom of Worship Freedom from Want (?) Freedom from Fear
FDR and American Policy, continued March 1941 – In response to FDR, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act. Allowed sales or loans of war materials to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.” US lent airplanes, tanks, guns and ammunition to Britain. June 1941 – Hitler launched a surprise invasion of the Soviet Union (?). Soviets now fighting on Allies’ side.
FDR and American Policy, continued Atlantic Charter August of 1941, Churchill and FDR published the Atlantic Charter – set goals for the world after war. Neither Britain nor US wants additional territory as a result of the war Support “the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live” Supported an organization as a “permanent system of general security” like the League of Nations.
Review – Pull out your ABCD cards What did FDR want that resulted in the compromise “cash-and-carry” plan? “Credit-and-we-deliver” plan Allow government to sell weapons to warring nations A “checks-only” policy Allow government to sell weapons only to countries not at war. Why did FDR say the US should be the “great arsenal of democracy”? In September of 1940, what did Congress create? The first peacetime draft in US history A constitutional amendment to keep presidents from running for more than 2 terms A law allowing weapons manufacturers to sell to whatever countries they wanted. None of the above What was the Lend-Lease Act? What was the Atlantic Charter?
The United States Enters the War After Germany defeated France in 1940, Japan took control of the French colonies in Southeast Asia. Sept 1940 – Japanese join the Axis Powers US refused to sell oil and scrap metal to Japan, which they needed Japan and US held talks in November 1941 Japan wanted US to start selling oil and metal to them again US wanted Japan to withdraw from China and Southeast Asia Neither agreed to what the other wanted. Sunday Dec 7, 1941 – Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. American Pacific Fleet stationed there. In less than 2 hours, Japanese destroyed US planes, ships and killed about 2,400 people. “A date which will live in infamy” Congress declared war on Japan Germany and Italy declared war on the US