Mao’s Communism in China 33/2
Jiang Jieshi Becomes President of Nationalist China, 1928 (Chiang Kai-shek)
Mao Zedong As a Young Revolutionary (Mao Tse-tung)
Mao With His Children, 1930s *Mao becomes the communist leader in China after WWII
Civil War in China Nationalists vs. Communists Jiang Jieshi vs. Mao Zedong *Mao gets the support of the peasants by promising them land Mao’s victory fueled anti-communist feelings in the US
Jiang’s troops chase Mao’s The Long March 1934 Jiang’s troops chase Mao’s Red Army for over a year
The Long March
Survivors of the March
Japan Invades China 1937
Japanese Aggression, 1931 - 1945
Victims of the Japanese bombing of Shanghai.
Japanese Soldiers March into Nanking December 9, 1937
The Japanese Invasion, 1937
Chinese Prisoners Were Often Beheaded & Displayed
The Communist Revolution: 1946 - 1949
The Peoples’ Liberation Army, 1949
The Communist Victory
Two Chinas Jieshe fled to Taiwan US helped him set up a Nationalist government: Republic of China Soviets helped Mao; People’s Republic of China Korea is split into North and South; Soviet supported North and US supported South
Taiwan: The Republic of China
Jiang Jieshu (1887-1975) (Chiang Kai-shek)
Madame Jiang Jieshu
The People’s Republic of China
Reasons for the Communists’ Success *Mao won support of peasants – land Mao won support of women Mao’s army used guerilla war tactics Many saw the Nationalist government as corrupt Many felt that the Nationalists allowed foreigners to dominate China.
The Great Leap Forward (or Backward?) 1958-1961
Great Leap Forward, 1958 Communes 5 year plan to increase agriculture and industry Communes Groups of people who live and work together Property held in common Had production quotas peasants lost their incentive to work when they didn’t profit from their own labor, only the state did.heir incentive to work when they didn’t profit from theirnly the state did.
Failure of Great Leap Forward *Crop failures caused a widespread famine. *No job opportunities for peasants; working on the communal farm was their life.
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976
Cultural Revolution Mao reduced his role in government New leaders not as strictly socialist Mao encouraged young people to revolt. Goal: a society of peasants and workers; all being equal *Hero: peasant who worked with his hands These young socialists became the Red Guards. Red Guards led an uprising known as the Cultural Revolution.
A Red Guard