Dads and Perinatal Mental Health Mark Williams - 07472959889 @MarkWilliamsROW Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
I felt at the birth of my son still effects me to this day…” My Story “We must remember that a traumatic birth is horrific experience for the father observing it too…” “The feeling that I felt at the birth of my son still effects me to this day…” Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
“Unless you talk to someone, you can feel very isolated. ” Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
“I have been diagnosed at forty with ADHD, of course having it all my life and not knowing it has made a massive difference”. “Coming from a man who literally started at the bottom, Mark now has the drive to help others grow and prosper from where he was.” – Reaching Out Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
“Listening to Mark Williams speak is an experience always to be remembered!” – Elaine Hanzak Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
Dads and postnatal depression: what to do 1. Ask questions if you are unhappy about something and it’s worrying you. 2. Don’t suffer in silence, the quicker the help the quicker the recovery. 3. Educate yourself about perinatal mental health, sometimes you may not know what it is 4. Talk to people, Trust me it better to talk than the events to manifest to crisis point. 5. Ask the professional what they mean as it can bring on anxiety if your unsure and worried about family members. Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653
New research from NCT finds that more than a third of new dads are worried about their mental health More than 1 in 3 new fathers 38% are concerned about their mental health, according to new research from NCT released to coincide with Father’s Day. Concern about their partner is another worry for new fathers. NCT found that almost three quarters 73% of dads were worried about their partner’s mental health. Charmaine Roberts Mob - 07581203653