Investing in the Ocean Economy The Roles of Public & Private Sectors
Blue Economy
Trends in the Blue Economy (EU) Winners and losers
Sustainability generates economic rewards
Emerging sectors in the Blue Economy Innovation and growth Cruise passenger growth An Updated Review on Marine Anticancer Compounds: The Use of Virtual Screening for the Discovery of Small-Molecule Cancer Drugs Verónica Ruiz-Torres 1, Jose Antonio Encinar 1, María Herranz-López 1, Almudena Pérez-Sánchez 1, Vicente Galiano 2, Enrique Barrajón-Catalán 1,* and Vicente Micol
Jobs created in off-shore wind
Protecting the our natural capital International Ocean Governance Fighting pollution: Plastic Strategy Preserving resources: Fisheries policy Engaging with business - Blue Finance Principles - Commitments at Our Ocean high-level events
Enablers for the Blue Economy Maritime Spatial Planning Marine Knowledge and Data Research & Development - €800M invested 2014-2017 New forms of finance
Supporting investment Public funding can spur private investment: EU "External Investment Plan" European Investment Bank - Sustainable Ocean Fund
€ 44 billion to EU Neighbourhood & Africa € 1,3 billion set aside by the EU in 2017 Mobilizing €9 billion of private investment
Role of the public sector protecting natural capital enabling the maritime economy spurring private funding removing obstacles to innovation
Thank You Bernhard Friess Director – Maritime Policy and Blue Economy Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries European Commission