How to Improve Communication!
Today’s Objective: Take notes on keys to effective comunication.
Partner Activity: On the scale of 1 through 5 how nervous were you talking during the Socratic seminar? Explain why: On a scale of 1 through 5 how comfortable are you speaking in front of large groups? Explain why:
Importance of Verbal Communication! Teaches you how to express yourself. With Professors & Teachers With colleagues, employers, friends & family. Improve your value. Interviews Job and class presentations. One of the Major Keys to Success. Fake it until you make it. Convinces of your importance & opinions.
Type of communication we will do! Job Interviews Presentations With/With out PowerPoint's. Speeches.
What are the Differences????
What Do They All Have In Common? Presentation & Speeches are just like writing. Introduction: Hook: Attention getter! (examples: video, activity, story, partial story, questions (less effective), bring in objects.) Thesis: Tell audience what you are going to cover. Body: Provide facts and evidence to support your thesis. Conclusion: Review the most important information. Convince them why this lecture and information is so important.
What Do They Have in Common Cont… Silence is good! Slow down and think of what you want to say before you say it.. Don’t let silence scare you. (Silence is important) No BUZZER or FILLER WORDS! Ex.. (like, but, umm, so, okay, uh, you know.) Verbal Is Key! Loud Voice!!!! Pronunciation. Change your tempo and pitch. (Slow for importance) Posture Convinces: Dress according to topic & audience. Don’t turn your back to the audience. (3 seconds) Naturally move around the room. For pacing when switching to new topic move to a different area of the room.
Keys to Presentations (Non PowerPoint) Think before you speak: Preparation is the difference. KNOW YOUR TOPIC!!! Create a detailed outline. DETAILED BUT SIMPLE. Practice in real time. (Do it in front of a mirror.) All attention will be on you! Good eye contact! Posture, tempo & pitch are crucial. Get the attention off you! How? Class Involvment.
Key to Presentations PowerPoint Visual PowerPoint should be in Outline format: No long sentences or paragraphs. Talking points & facts you cant remember. Highlight/Bold important concepts Use contrasting colors on PowerPoint. Pictures more powerful than words also charts & graphs. Speaking DON’T READ FROM THE POWERPOINT! Use talking points to help you remember information. Don’t turn head from audience. (3 sec.) Even out information on slide. (5 min. per slide) On quotes include citations & picture.
William Lloyd Garrison was born on December 10, 1805, in Newburyport, Massachusetts,[1] the son of immigrants from the British colony of New Brunswick, in present-day Canada. Under the Seaman’s Protection act, Abijah Garrison, a merchant sailing pilot and master, had obtained American papers and moved his family to Newburyport in 1806. With the impact of the Congressional Embargo Act of 1807 on commercial shipping, the elder Garrison became unemployed and deserted the family in 1808. Garrison's mother, Frances Maria Lloyd, was reported to have been tall, charming and of a strong religious character. At her request, Garrison was known by his middle name, Lloyd. She died in 1823, in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts.
“Vulnerability” Brene Brown Speech Activity “Vulnerability” Brene Brown
Speeches Two ways. Write & Outline Practice, Practice, Practice. Write: Speakers write down every word from speech. Make sure you use very large font. (min. 16) Outline: Complete a more detailed outline. (Veterans) Practice, Practice, Practice. Read speech out loud to an audience several times. (at least 3) Emotion Wins the Day. Great speakers use emotion to succeed.
Interviews Know Thyself! Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! Be Observant: Understand your strengths & weaknesses. Know why you are the best candidate. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! Do your research: Know as much as possible about organization, positions and interviewer. Rehearse commonly asked questions with people. Be Observant: Personality and connection trumps skill & qualifications. Pay attention to subtitle signs and cues from interview. Listen carefully to interview. Let him know you were paying attention.
Interview Cont.. Own the Interview: Dress to Impress. (Appearance) Smile, eye contact, positive body language. Ask good questions: “What are key priorities you want the new hire to possess or accomplish?” “How soon do you expect to make a decision/” WHERE IS THE PASSION? Demonstrate knowledge of job. Portray passion for the job. Focus on Qualification & Requirements: Connect every question back to the job. Stick your message: Pick major ideas you want the interviewer to remember about you.
First Impressions 30 second Impressions.