East Craigs Primary School and Nursery Class Parents & CarersComposite Class Workshop 14th June, 2016
School Class organisation 2016-17 Projected roll of 434 plus 40:40 Nursery Configuration determined by Laura Hammersley, Devolved Finance & Resources Officer- “Best Value” budget model which is applied across all CEC schools. 15 Classes core funded :- P1 (3 home groups), 2A, 2B, 2/3 (66 P2 pupils), 3A, 3B (65 pupils), 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B P2/3 has been organised in line with Policy considering age and gender only. 11 boys 11 girls - P2 13 P3 9 . An even split would create a gender inequity. P2A, P2B, P3A , P3B - organised according to social groupings & consideration of gender. Extensive consultation with P1 & P2 Team, including SLT.
School Class organisation 2016-17 Although Social grouping was not the rationale for the organisation of the composite, this was considered through the number of children who went into the composite. All classes reviewed to ensure that there are effective potential groupings to facilitate a high quality model of teaching and learning across the year groups.
Communication with parents & carers Key aspects of Policy:- “Parents should be informed of changes as soon as possible. Parent Council Meetings are suggested for all schools in February. Parent Council must ensure that the wider parent forum is kept informed. It is important that parents are made aware that a proposed class organisation can be subject to change, sometimes as late as October, after the pupil census or late catchment placing requests. Although class numbers may be agreed early, Head Teachers are advised to make the decision on the selection of pupils nearer to the end of term. Delaying the decision allows for the ages of any late incoming pupils to be taken into account, which could be significant in the case of P1/2 composites and where there are placing appeals.”
The Model of teaching and learning- Responsibilities of all Emotional and Social Health is paramount and, as an aspect of Health and Wellbeing (Responsibility of All), should be fully considered to create the conditions for effective pupil learning. Literacy – P2 (Literacy Rich) P3 – A range of resources – investment in additional resources. Team teaching across P2 and P3 within own year groups for Reading from Term 2. This ensures new teachers can carry out their own initial assessments and engage with assessments (including standardised assessments) from previous teachers. This also ensures fluidity of groupings. Numeracy & Mathematics- Stages in Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) implemented as a SIP Priority up to P4. P2 & 3 will be taught as a class and for Mathematics topics. Differentiation as for any other class. Mrs Ali highly skilled and experienced practitioner.
Inter-Disciplinary learning & Specialist Subjects P2/3 will engage in their own topics. This will be as part of the new Curriculum Map designed to promote greater personalisation, choice and flexibility to respond to context and interest. Headings are broad to allow for this. This information will be shared systematically with receiving teachers to avoid potential duplication of learning. Timetabling will support P2 and P3 combining with own year group for PE, Music & Science. Adequate staffing will be in place to support. Terms 1 & 3 with specialists , Terms 2 & 4 with class teachers sustaining the same model. Support for Learning Teacher will review overall timetabling arrangements to ensure support and challenge can be extended appropriately to ensure needs are met effectively.
Additional shared learning opportunities Enhanced Transition Programme :- 13.06.16, 21.06.16 & 23.06.16 P2 & P2/3 will be in shared space. Additional active learning space (supports learning through purposeful play). Other P3 classes in extension, but P2A positioned away from other P2s. All P2 & P3 pupils will be in playground together. P2 & 3 will enter/leave through extension door. P1-3 Sports Day.
Sharing of curricular information with parents & carers Curriculum evening for all classes where new Curriculum Map & Rationale will be launched. This will include discrete progressions for Literacy & English, Numeracy & Mathematics, Health & Wellbeing, Science, ICT & Music. What will I be learning in P2? P3? Shared within the 4 contexts for learning :- Ethos, Discrete Subjects, IDL, Personal Achievement. These will be issued termly to parents & carers. This forms the basis for the new approach to teachers’ planning. Homework will be differentiated for P2 and P3
Pupil Support Assistant Allocation Devolved Allocation – needs led Model which ensures equity. Additional 8 hours which will be allocated to PSA support model Individual pupils’ needs must be considered within this devolved model
End of day arrangements P3 pupils will be taught by Ms Allan all year 2:45-3:15pm. This will be to provide additional support and challenge in response to pupils needs. This will ensure there is no wasted learning time. Creates equity for all parents & carers as Mrs Ali will be available to speak with all at end of day.
How will we ensure the model is working well for our learners? There is a robust policy of Self-evaluation activity within our school, led by the Senior Leadership Team. This includes:- Planning Dialogue Sessions with staff, Tracking of Pupil Attainment & Achievement at individual pupil level, Tracking of Pupil Attainment with Support for Learning Teacher, involving PSAs, Sharing Classroom Practice Visits, Moderation of Literacy & English, Numeracy & Mathematics at Cluster level (Self-Improving Schools Model) Feedback from all stakeholders- Pupil voice is fully acknowledged. Response where there is a need e.g. additional teaching time in P4, 5, 6 Numeracy & Mathematics Accountability for Improvements in Performance- positive attainment trends
Will this model continue? Given our projected numbers there is potential for a composite model in Session 2017-18. Laura Hammersley’s response. Parents & Carers will be advised at earliest opportunity.
Is there a right of appeal? There is no appeals process for parents & carers to appeal against their child being selected for a particular class. All parents & carers are able to make a formal complaint if they wish. Education Services support the Head Teacher in investigating any complaints made.
Evaluation of tonight’s session Before leaving, we would greatly appreciate your views about our session this evening. Please add your comments to the evaluation provided. Many thanks for your attendance and participation in this session. Your support is greatly appreciated.