BAköV im BMI European Reciprocal Training - ERT - DISPA meeting Madrid May 2010 European Reciprocal Training - ERT - Madrid, May 2010 Günther Wurster Dr. Kunsmann
BAköV im BMI The beginning of ERT The idea was born by senior politicians of founding EC-member states to deepen the European idea within the public administrations in the `70ies using seminars for civil servants. Dr. Kunsmann
Active Members I Austia Bundeskanzleramt BAköV im BMI Active Members I Austia Bundeskanzleramt Bulgaria Institute of Public Administration [IPAEI] * Czech Republic Institute Praha * Denmark Danish School of Public Administration [DSPA] Finland Finnish Institute of Public Management [HAUS] France École Nationale d´Administration [ENA] Germany Federal Academy of Public Administration (Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung) [BAköV] Ireland Institute of Public Administration [IPA] * Italy Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministratazione [SSPA] Günther Wurster
BAköV im BMI Active Members II Netherlands Dutsch Institute for Public Administration [Opleidings Instituut voor de Rijksoverheid [ROI] Poland National School of Public Administration [KSAP] * Sweden Swedish Council for Strategic HR Development [KRUS] Portugal Institute of National Administration [INA] Romania National Institute of National Administration * Slovenia Administration Academy * Spain National Institute of Public Administration [INAP] Sweden Swedish Council for Strategic HR Development [KRUS] United National School of Government [ NSG] Kingdom Günther Wurster
Aims of the programme increasing knowledge of the EU policy- making process in partner member-states heightened opportunities for joint work Better informed, joined-up and confident EU-capable staff
Participants of the ERT-seminars BAköV im BMI Participants of the ERT-seminars (Senior) Civil servants of all EU-member states, who are interested in or/and dealing with EU-issues of the other EU-member states EU-policy making process Dr. Kunsmann
Content / subjects of « the » ERT- Programme BAköV im BMI Content / subjects of « the » ERT- Programme any theme that tells how EU policy is made in an EU member state, p. ex « Germany and Europe » (BAköV), including a counterpart visit or theme of special interest, p. ex « Le role du dialogue social dans la conduite du Changement » (ENA) Dr. Kunsmann
Costs I - who offers how - BAköV im BMI Costs I - who offers how - BAköV free on reciprocity or 480 € Bundeskanzleramt free on reciprocity or 450 € DSPA (2004) 1.300 € ENA free HAUS 1.342 € INA 650 € INAP free KRUS free NSG 850 GBP /~ 980 € ROI (2004) 1.650 € SSPA free Dr. Kunsmann
Costs II The School / Institution sets the price of the seminar: BAköV im BMI Costs II The School / Institution sets the price of the seminar: No fee on reciprocity ! Fee is fixed by the schools Travel expenses, like tickets, hotel, meals etc. have to be paid by the participants (their authoroties) Dr. Kunsmann
BAköV im BMI Statistics 2007 - 2009 2007 2008 2009 BAköV + - + Bundeskanzleramt no offer + - ENA no offer + + INA + + - INAP + + + KRUS/VERV - no offer + NSG + + + SSPA no participation + + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 4+ 5+ 6+ Dr. Kunsmann
Problems more or less 18 active members BAköV im BMI Problems more or less 18 active members who offer more or less 8 seminars of which only 4 to 6 take place Why....? Dr. Kunsmann
Why ? Civil servants are not informed about the seminars BAköV im BMI Why ? Civil servants are not informed about the seminars No acceptance by superiours (theme, subject / „tourism“) Seminars are too long Fees/costs are too high …. ? : Your views ! Dr. Kunsmann
Design features each EU-topic for a seminar is welcome BAköV im BMI Design features each EU-topic for a seminar is welcome each lenght of a seminar is welcome offering seminars for free or on reciprocity, to keep costs low campaigning each seminar enforceing efforts to find at least one participant by country for each seminar Dr. Kunsmann
BAköV im BMI Actual Situation in 2010 I INAP = 5 days = „Espana y sus Instituciones“, in Spanish seminar for staff of the European Commission, open for ERT, March, 22 – 26 BKA = 3 days = „Austria and Europe“, in English April, 21 – 23, cancelled ENA = 3 days = „Le role du dialogue social dans la conduite du changement“, in French May, 10 – 12 Dr. Kunsmann
Seminars 2010 II BAköV = 4 days = „Germany and Europe“, in English BAköV im BMI Seminars 2010 II BAköV = 4 days = „Germany and Europe“, in English June, 7 – 10: - already cancelled : 3 nominations ! SSPA = 5 days = „Italy and the EU: the Italian Public System and Private Institutions at Work“, in English November, 29 – December, 3, seminar for staff of the European Commission, open for ERT (and Afghan Diplomates this time) NSG = 3 days = „Great Britain and Europe“, in English November, 2 - 4 Dr. Kunsmann
New challanges Webinars (= world wide web + seminar) = BAköV im BMI New challanges Webinars (= world wide web + seminar) = Connecting Europe from a distance = seminar held by lecture and .ppt via internet to the particpants at their workplace / desk = teaching „countless“ participantst around the world organised by INA - Dr. Kunsmann
Webinar 2010 I Overall Subject: Sustainable Leadership BAköV im BMI Webinar 2010 I Overall Subject: Sustainable Leadership offered and organized by INA – January, 26 – Lean Management – do more and more with less and less presented by DSPA March, 3 – An open ear and an open mind: how mediation can contribute to sustainable realationship between citizens and civil servants presented by ROI Dr. Kunsmann
BAköV im BMI Webinar 2010 II May, 25 – Talent Management: ensuring a futue-proof public service presented by NSG September, 28 – A public ethos. The leadership role in forming a sustainable public service Presented by KRUS November , 30 – Innovation: stretching the mind and fostering inovation in Public Management Presented by INA Dr. Kunsmann
Technical requirements BAköV im BMI Technical requirements Computer open to www Headset No restricons for security reasons (firewall) Dr. Kunsmann
Cooperation in the programme and organisational general conditions BAköV im BMI Cooperation in the programme and organisational general conditions no formal procedure just offer a 3 to 5 day programme - each year or every two/three years - in English, if possible advertise all other ERT-seminars find and send participants to the ERT-seminars participate at the annual meeting, where issues of mutual concerns are discussed Dr. Kunsmann
Joining Europe and beyond via ERT - we need you ! BAköV im BMI Joining Europe and beyond via ERT - we need you ! Dr. Kunsmann
Vielen Dank efcharistó! Grazie! Mutio obrigado! Thank you! bedankt! Merci! Tak! Grazie! Mutio obrigado! Thank you! Muchas gracias!