An Example for Classroom Demonstration An initiative on the NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY For a write up on the context or else wait for the next line Click HERE An Example for Classroom Demonstration An Introductory Illustration for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance LARMOR Precession Total 7 slides:: About 10 minutes SHOW_TIME ::Times set for Automatic slide transition :: Wait for long enough before the transition to next slide by Automatic Settings 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
& Components of Spin Vector can be quantized Quantization of Nuclear Spin Components An Animated Illustration Spin Axis may be along the chosen axis also When an axis is defined A visualisation as to what could happen when there is NO chosen direction relevant and relatable to the SPIN AXIS But no Quantization requirements for the Components of Spin No well defined direction for the spin axis specified outside the spinning nucleus? When an Axis is defined Spin Axis & Components of Spin Vector can be quantized Spinning nucleus Spin Vector Component in the presence of a chosen axis is quantized and has fixed orientation Nucleus has mass ‘M’ What is the Interaction by which a direction can be specified as relatable to the quantization that manifests? 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
nuclear precession in magnetic field Questionnaire Consider the questions carefully. It would require a revision of College Physics----Chapters on Magnetism Till now only the MASS of the nucleus has been spelt out. If necessary get back to the slide#1 and view for a revision. Click HERE to Transit to slide #1 Or else look for the display of next line below Can you consider and explain the Nuclear Spin Quantization Without taking into consideration the associated Charge of the nucleus. Slide #4 is an animated illustration of the Spin Precession which is to be descriptively summarized in words 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
Spin Precession Animation “DEMO” Precession Starts on application of Magnetic Field MAGNETIC FIELD μ X H Return to(#1) first slide SPIN Iħ Nuclear Spin MAGNETIC MOMENT 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
nuclear precession in magnetic field North Eastern Hill University Shillong 793022 Meghalaya NEHU Campus Centre For Bioinformatics (BIC) National Science Day at BIC on 28th February 2003 Jottings ……….!!! Over The Happenings:: S.Aravamudhan, Department of Chemistry, NEHU It was a fine morning on the 28th February 2003 when I was seated in front of a P.C. at the Centre for Bioinformatics. I had just-few days before- returned after attending two National symposia and the attention was not to have too much backlash in returning and resuming the activity here. I was simply trying to set at rest a question, which arose one of these days as to how simple it would be to provide an animated illustration of the principles of Physics at work, when the nuclei precess under the duress of Magnetic Field Strength. It was mostly trying to reproduce a simple drawing several times; place all these copies close enough with such displacements which can enable them to flash once in succession in such a sequence that it appears as if a single and same object is moving around! Continues in next slde……… 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
nuclear precession in magnetic field With such an obsession to enable pseudo dynamism, the reality sounded like a dream when a voice could be heard over my shoulders pronouncing, “excuse me”. My glance over my shoulders could vindicate that it was none other than Prof.P.Tandon who wished that I should take part in the National Science Day proceedings scheduled to begin at that moment in the centre. In fact, I was reminded emphatically by the incident, more than my mere routine awareness of the date 28th Feb. 2003, that the 28the February is National Science Day. On this occasion I had the opportunity to tell the gathering about the 28th February during 1979-’80, when I was called upon to be one of the speakers at the National Chemical Laboratory, PUNE when there was a function to commemorate the ( anniversary of ) Discovery of Raman Effect. I had the pleasant assignment of having to talk on Fourier transform Nuclear magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as an Introductory Note for half-an-hour which was to be followed by people who were applying this technique and were to speak on the examples of applications. I could also share with the audience on this occasion on 28th Feb. 2003 at NEHU, the thrill I experienced while I happened to hear Sir C.V. Raman speak on “Diamonds” and the way he could pronounce and reverberatingly utter the word BRILLIANT (in his own characteristic brilliance at diction) while explaining why the diamonds appear to be source of light rays and have the brilliance for optical descriptions. He could mention in a few pulsating moments all about the reflection of light, the consequences of refraction of light rays and effectively clarify the phenomenon of Total Internal Refection.continues in next slide…. 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field
nuclear precession in magnetic field The discovery of the unusual light scattering, by the inquisitive and observant individual C.V.Raman has contributed to the molecular spectroscopic technique so immensely that the front line applications seem only to further widen the ripple set out by the discovery of Raman Effect, and, infringe upon the states of matter not only at molecular level. The vibrational modes which are forbidden by selection rules in the conventional infrared spectroscopy became manifest in the Raman Spectra. Hence this discovery seems to have made it a wholesome spectroscopic technique by tying the lose ends necessarily to infer the molecular vibrational (structures) features which are covered by the infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. The concerned, indulgent and witty speeches by the students/staff/teachers on this occasion would have engrossed those present much longer but for the mouth-watering refreshments made available. This provided the necessary grease to continue the grinding to impressively flash objects to be apparently a moving object! End of narration. Return to First slide CLICK HERE 9/19/2018 12:15:10 PM nuclear precession in magnetic field