Greek Gods Who are they? Vesely
ZEUS (Roman name Jupiter) The supreme lord of the Olympians Lord of sky & rain Weapon/Symbol: Thunderbolt Married Hera but, is famous for his many affairs Punishes those that lie or break oaths.
HERA (Roman name Juno) The wife of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians. Lady of marriage Symbol: Peacock Takes special care of married women
POSEIDON (Roman name Neptune) Brother of Zeus Lord of the sea & sailors Symbol: Trident Created the worlds first horse and caused earthquakes with his trident
HADES (Roman name Pluto) Brother of Zeus Lord of the Underworld & Wealth Rules over the dead Once someone joins his kingdom he does not allow them to leave
DEMETER (Roman name Ceres) Sister of Zeus Lady of Agriculture Symbol: Poppy, Torch, Sheaf of Wheat/Barley Nourishes the youth and the green earth Preserver of marriage and the sacred law Horses, Winter & Corn
HESTIA (Roman name Vesta) Sister of Zeus Lady of the hearth & of the right ordering of domesticity and the family Symbol: None Youngest and Oldest of the sisters Gave up her seat with the twelve Olympians in favor of Dionysus
APHRODITE (Roman name Venus) Born From the Sea Lady of Love, Beauty & Fertility Symbol: Dolphin, Rose, Scallop Shell, Myrtle, Dove, Sparrow, and Swan Married to Hephaestus Protector of Sailors
ARES (Roman name Mars) Son of Zeus Lord of war & warlike frenzy Symbol: Vulture, Torch & Spear Father of mythical founders of Rome
HERMES (Roman name Mercury) Son of Zeus Messenger of the gods Symbol: Caduceus, winged sandals & tortoise Guides dead souls to the Underworld
HEPHAESTUS (Roman name Vulcan) Son of Hera Lord of Technology, Blacksmiths, Craftsmen, Artisans and Volcanoes Symbol: Anvil, Hammer or Tongs The Blacksmith of the gods Lame (considered grotesque) associated with manufacturing and industrial
APOLLO (Roman name Apollo) Son of Zeus Lord of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; archery; medicine and healing; music, poetry, the arts; and more Symbol: Lyre and Sun Patron of Delphi Artemis’ twin brother
ATHENA (Roman name Minerva) Daughter of Zeus Lady of wisdom, peace, strategy, handicrafts, reason and war Symbol: Owl Shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavors Patron of Athens – Parthenon was built for her
ARTEMIS (Roman name Diana) Daughter of Zeus Lady of forests and hills, childbirth, virginity, fertility, the hunt and the moon Symbols: Deer, Cypress & Moon Apollo’s twin sister
DIONYSUS (Roman name Bacchus) Son of Zeus Lord of wine (the inspirer of ritual madness and ecstasy), the epiphany, theatre & grapes Symbols: Thyrsus, Grapes, Leopard skin The androgynous god