Race vs. Ethnicity Think-Pair-Share Discuss the following questions with a partner. 2 minutes to discuss What is the difference between race and ethnicity? What is your race? What is your ethnicity?
Race Identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor. Determined by physical characteristics
Race as a Social Construct More differences within races than there are between races. Single human race: Homo sapiens sapiens
Ethnicity Identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth
More Basic Terms Racism is the belief that human capabilities are determined by racial classification and that some races are superior to others.
Key Vocabulary Acculturation means that an ethnic group adopts enough of the ways of a host society to be able to function economically and socially. Assimilation is a complete blending with the host culture and may involve the loss of distinctive ethnic traits. How might an ethnic group need to acculturate in order to “function economically and socially?” -Language -Way of life -Customs/traditions -Clothing -Work habits/occupational types
Migration and Ethnicity Effects of diffusion Chain migration is when people migrate along channels over a period of time from specific source areas to specific destinations. “Pre-existing Ties” RELOCATION DIFFUSION – people become a minority population in a host country VOLUNTARY OR FORCED MIGRATION? (mostly voluntary) PRE-EXISTING TIES: Family has come before Military bases HOW DOES HIERARCHICAL DIFFUSION OCCUR IN CHAIN MIGRATION? (village leaders are typically first to decide to migrate)
Migration and Ethnicity Involuntary migration occurs → Refugees Return migration involves the voluntary movement of a group back to its ancestral homeland or native country. Why might return migration occur?
US Immigrants
Nation A group of people who share a common culture and identify as a cohesive group
Ethnic Conflict in One Nation Great Britain- Sports; different national teams for Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales Lebanon- War for control of government Rugby Example
National and Ethnic Divisions Nations divided by ethnicity- Pakistan and India Ethnicity divided between nations- Kurds between Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey (Churchill’s Magic marker again)
Review Define the following terms from Ethnic Geography: Race Ethnicity Racism Nationality Self-determination
Self-Determination The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves. Every ethnicity gets their own country.
Nation-State A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality.
Lithuania Is a good example of a nation state Lithuanians comprise 83% of the population.
Stateless Nation A cohesive ethnic group that does not have a home state to call their own. The Kurds are an example of a stateless nation
Centripetal force Attitudes or events unify people and enhance support for a state
Centrifugal Force Attitudes or events that pull states apart.
Centripetal & Centrifugal Force 3 Examples of each throughout history. Must all be separate countries and or regions 1 must be a current event (within the last year) 1 must be historical (Before you were born)