To give information on turtles while entertaining the reader. Author’s Purpose To give information on turtles while entertaining the reader. Setting A beach in the present time. A beach is a natural setting. Characters Taro Jiro-San Turtles old wise patient has secrets about nature has old sea friends, has been watching the turtles come back to lay eggs for many years old wise patient young curious likes Jiro-San because he learns things from his friend patient
Taro doesn’t know who Jiro-San’s old friends are Problem Taro doesn’t know who Jiro-San’s old friends are dolphin whale and her calf swordfish turtles Jiro-San and Taro swept the beach to clean off the litter and make it safe for the turtles. They waited patiently for 4 nights for the old friends to come. They finally saw a huge, dark shape that bobbed up and down on the water like an enormous cork. One turtle came first to make sure the beach was safe. 4. She left to tell the other turtles the beach is safe. 1. She dug up the sand with her flippers. Babies hatch 8 weeks later 3. She filled the hole with her hind flippers. 2. She laid almost 100 eggs in a nest.