Do not adjust your set
Radiation Safety Induction for Radiology Registrars John Saunderson Radiation Protection Adviser CHH ext 76-1329
Ionising / Non-ionising Ionising radiations x-rays gamma rays (-rays) beta particles () electron beams Not ionising radiations lasers ultraviolet (UV) infrared (IR) ultrasound MRI
Radiation hazards
700 CANCER CASES CAUSED BY X-RAYS 30 January 2004 700 CANCER CASES CAUSED BY X-RAYS X-RAYS used in everyday detection of diseases and broken bones are responsible for about 700 cases of cancer a year, according to the most detailed study to date. The research showed that 0.6 per cent of the 124,000 patients found to have cancer each year can attribute the disease to X-ray exposure. Diagnostic X-rays, which are used in conventional radiography and imaging techniques such as CT scans, are the largest man-made source of radiation exposure to the general population. Although such X-rays provide great benefits, it is generally accepted that their use is associated with very small increases in cancer risk. Average X-ray exam dose = 0.5 millisieverts ► 1 in 40,000 risk UK Radiology = 46 million X-rays per year (2008)
Basic Principals of Radiation Protection Justification Benefit > risk Optimisation Doses as low as reasonably achievable Limitation Absolute legal limits for staff and public Reference levels as guidance for patients.
Regulations Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99) Justification, optimisation, limitation Local rules, radiation protection supervisors Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IRMER2000) Referrers, practitioners, operators Justification & optimisation Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regs 1978 (ARSAC) Nuclear medicine
Organising radiation safety (IRR99) Controlled Areas Local Rules Radiation Protection Supervisor Radiation Protection Adviser Radiographer.
Controlled Area No-one may enter a controlled area unless They are a classified person They are following the local rules/system of work for that area 19/09/2018
IRMER Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000 Referrers allowed to request medical exposure Trust decides who can e.g. GP, consultant, etc. Practitioners Justifies X-ray - decides there is net benefit Trust decides who can e.g. radiologist Operator Performs “practical aspects” Trust decides who can e.g. radiographer, technician .
Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regs 1978 (“MARS” / “ARSAC”) “No person shall administer to a human being (otherwise than to himself) any radioactive medicinal product unless he is doctor or dentist holding a certificate issued by the Health Minister for the purposes of section 60 of the Act in respect of radioactive medicinal products (hereinafter referred to as a “certificate”) or a person acting in accordance with the directions of such a doctor or dentist.” .
Radiation in hospitals Radioactive substances nuclear medicine pathology radiotherapy X-ray sources Radiology Radiotherapy Pathology .
Basic Principles Time Distance Shielding
Distance Double distance = 1/4 dose Triple distance = 1/9th dose.
Typical Transmission through Shielding (90 kV) 0.25 mm lead rubber apron 8.5% 0.35 mm lead rubber apron 5% 2 x 0.25 mm apron 2.5% 2 x 0.35 mm apron 1.0% Double brick wall 0.003% Plasterboard stud wall 32% Solid wooden 1” door 81% Code 3 lead (1.3 mm) 0.1%.
Lead Apron Storage Always return to hanger Do not fold dump on floor and run trolleys over the top of them!!! X-ray will check annually But if visibly damaged, ask X-ray to check them.
The End