ELPA21 2016 Administration
ELPA21: Online Testing Beginning in February 2016, Washington’s new language proficiency test, the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21), will be administered to K-12 English language learners across the state. The test administration window is February 2 to March 11. It is important to know that ELPA21 is an online test. The same online test engine that is used to deliver Smarter Balanced and MSP assessments at grades 3-8 and high school will be used to deliver ELPA21. AIR is the vendor. This online test engine incorporates a multitude of embedded usability, accessibility, and accommodations features that were not possible with the previous paper/pencil English language test, the Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Language Proficiency Measurement The ELPA21 Assessment System measures and reports on proficiency of the English language overall, as well as in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and comprehension. Two tests: a screener and a summative assessment. Both tests developed for each of six “grade bands” (K, 1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, and 9–12). Screener (currently the WELPA Placement Test) administered to assess baseline English language proficiency of incoming ELL students and used to guide placement of each student. The ELPA21 screener is scheduled to launch summer of 2016. Districts will continue to use the WELPA Placement Test as the screener for the 2015-16 SY. This will include May incoming Kinder testing. WELPA Placement Test orders are fulfilled through CTB (now DRC) at CTB.com. The ELPA21 screener is currently under development and will be operational for the 2016-17 SY. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
ELPA21 Online Test Engine The online test engine incorporates a multitude of embedded usability, accessibility, and accommodations features that were not possible with the previous paper/pencil English language test, the Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA). In addition, the test questions presented online are more engaging than test questions appearing on paper test booklets; this is especially important for English language learners. There is one portion of the ELPA21 Writing test for students in K and 1, which will be administered on paper. The K-1 paper writing materials will be secure materials. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Enhanced Computer-Based Format Computer-based testing provides an opportunity to move students and educators toward information and skills needed for college-&-career. The assessment system will incorporate technology-enhanced items that allow students to indicate their responses in ways other than traditional item types (e.g., multiple choice). Format includes item styles that are more interactive, especially for speaking and listening tests. K and 1 Writing: In an effort to more accurately measure the basic writing skills of our youngest ELLs, students in kindergarten and first grade will be provided with a paper-and-pencil test booklet for a small portion of the writing test. This will allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to write and trace letters, and perform other writing tasks typical of early writers. Districts will receive booklets for each of the kindergarten and first grade students and will receive detailed directions about how to assign, collect and mail the booklets. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
ELPA21 IMPORTANT DATES Annual Assessment February 2 - March 11 Washington State ELPA21 Planned Summative (Annual) Assessment Window Practice Test available in January. Webinar Updates ELPA21 webinars each month to prepare for the operational administration in SY 2015–16. AIR will also conduct test administration specific training webinars. Dates TBD. 9/19/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Approximate Test Times Grade Bands: K, 1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, and 9–12. Four Domains: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Estimated ELPA21 Annual test times are based on feedback from the field test. These times may be modified. Actual times will vary dependent upon variables specific to your district. We suggest adding an additional 15-20 minutes for test proctor activities. Grade/Grade Band Domain Times Total K and 1 20 Minutes 1 Hour and 20 Minutes 2-3 25 Minutes 1 Hour and 40 Minutes 4-5 6-8 30 Minutes 2 Hours 9-12
Scheduling and Technology The number of ELL students needing to take ELPA21 is relatively small, compared with Smarter Balanced. This smaller number should help in the scheduling of the technology needed to administer the tests between February 2 and March 11. The five week ELPA21 testing window closes at about the time that Smarter Balanced testing begins, so overlap and competition for technology resources should be minimal. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Scheduling and Technology Continued… In order to estimate the time and technology needed to administer ELAP21 in your school or district, we ran a few examples, as listed in the table below. Students Computers Computer hours needed per day Average test length in hours Approximate days to administer 10 5 2 1.75 2 days 15 3 days 25 5 days 100 18 days OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Scheduling and Technology Continued… To confirm that you have the technology to administer ELPA21, you will need to: Calculate student/test hours = students testing x length of test Calculate computer availability hours = number of computers x numbers of hours per day those computers are available Calculate number of days needed to test = (student test hours)/(computer availability hours) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Supported Operating Systems AIR has confirmed that we will be supporting the following operating systems for ELPA21. Please note that systems in red are currently being updated for support and have not yet been confirmed. Any updates will be sent to DACs as soon as they are available. DACs will also receive formal and updated specifications and technical support will be available through AIR. Supported OS Versions: Windows XP through Windows 10 - Reminder: this is the last year for XP support - This includes NComputing support - Working on confirming Windows Server 20XX support Supported Browsers: - Secure Browser 8.x - Firefox 31+ (for practice tests only) - Chrome 41+ (for practice tests only) - Cannot confirm on Edge yet (would be for practice tests only) Windows OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Supported Operating Systems Continued… AIR has confirmed that we will be supporting the following operating systems for ELPA21. Please note that systems in red are currently being updated for support and have not yet been confirmed. Any updates will be sent to DACs as soon as they are available. OSX Supported OS versions -10.6 through 10.11 -Note: No support for 10.5 Intel Supported Browsers -Secure Browser 8.x -Firefox 31+ (for practice tests only) -Chrome 41+ (for practice tests only) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Supported Operating Systems Continued… Any updates will be sent to DACs as soon as they are available. Linux Supported OS versions - Same as all the other platforms Supported Browsers - Secure Browser 8.x Firefox 31+ ChromeOS Supported OS versions - 41+ Supported Browsers - AIRSecureTest Secure Browser Note: New version will be required that is not in the store yet OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Supported Operating Systems Continued… iOS Supported OS Versions - iOS 7 and 8 - Most likely iOS 9 too if Apple gets their stuff together before the window opens Supported Browsers - AIRSecureTest Secure Browser (current version) Android - Android 4.3, 4.4 and 5.0 - Possibly 6.0 - AIRSecureTest Secure Browser (current version) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Non-Supported Operating Systems Browsers that are supported for other assessments that cannot be supported for ELPA21: Safari on Ios and OSX Chrome on Linux Internet Explorer Reason: There are browser functions needed in order to capture audio from the microphone. These browsers cannot be accommodated until they adopt an API that will support the audio. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Accessibility Supports ELPA21 practice tests will be available in January. The ELPA21 Accessibility and Accommodations Manual is available now and has been posted to the WCAP-portal. It will also be available on the OSPI ELPA21 website. This manual will be used in support of the 2015-16 school year. Information from the ELPA21 manual is being embedded in the Washington Guidelines on Tools, Supports, & Accommodations manual that is being finalized in support of 2015-16 school year. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
A Tiered Approach to ELPA21’s Accessibility and Accommodations Features OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Professional Development Modules ELPA21 states and educators have partnered with Stanford University's Understanding Language Initiative to create a suite of six professional development modules: Module 1 - Introduction (posted) Module 2 - Task Analysis (posted) Module 3 - ELP Standards Module 4 - Performance Level Descriptors Module 5 - Formative Assessment Module 6 - Reflection Modules 1 and 2 are currently available. Module 3 will be available early next week and can be found at http://www.k12.wa.us/ELPA21/default.aspx OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Where To Find More ELPA21 Information? OSPI ELPA21 Link http://www.k12.wa.us/ELPA21/default.aspx ELPA21 Website http://www.elpa21.org ELPA21 Newsletter http://www.elpa21.org/learn-more OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
WELPA Placement Test Information and Training OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
ELPA21 Hardware and Headset Specifications http://www.k12.wa.us/ELPA21/default.aspx Headsets with microphones are required for the ELPA21 Assessment ELPA21 Headset Specifications Additional ELPA21 Headset Information ELPA21 Hardware Specifications OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018
Contact ELPA21@k12.wa.us Kim Hayes For more information about ELPA21 in Washington state: ELPA21@k12.wa.us Kim Hayes Washington ELPA21 Coordinator (360) 725-6338 kim.hayes@k12.wa.us OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 9/19/2018