Radiation Risks
What is radiation? Radioactivity – radioactive materials emitting alpha, beta particles and gamma rays Electromagnetic (EM) radiation – EM Spectrum, highest energy (shortest wavelengths) can be ionising (gamma, X-ray, UV), cosmic rays Lower energy EM waves are absorbed by the body, heating up tissue
Public concerns People are often concerned when exposure is imposed on them (e.g. radioactivity from a nuclear power station or X-rays received in a hospital), even if the exposure is minutely small. People often less concerned about exposure that they have control over (e.g. UV on a beach/sunbed).
Radioactivity – public image?
Radioactivity – public image?
What is it?
Where does it come from?
What are the sources?
Why is it dangerous?
Radiation and the body
Radiation Dose absorbed radiation transfers energy to molecules in the body = J/kg (Gray) alpha (large/charged) is more damaging so is multiplied x20 equivalent dose (Sievert, Sv) But some organs, especially reproductive organs most affected effective dose (Sievert, Sv)